With Integrative Medicine Pioneer & Epigenetics Expert
Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier


Experience your ability to positively influence your epigenetics or gene expression — and enhance your health and longevity — with a meditative visualization transporting you to a future where you are vital, happy, and healthy.


What if you could coax your genes to work FOR you rather than against you...boosting your longevity and shaping a happier, healthier, more vital you?

We all know that our daily activities — from what we eat to how we exercise to our spiritual practice — directly influence our health and wellbeing, and even how long we might live.

At a deeper level, scientific studies confirm that the negative — or positive — effects of our lifestyle choices and mindset also greatly influence our epigenetics (genetic expression).

It’s increasingly clear that our consciousness directly impacts our genes — and that if we apply this emerging science, we can live better lives.

Simply put: Our genes are not our destiny.

It’s likely that as much as 95 percent of our genetic traits can be influenced by us!

This means that if your family is genetically prone to heart disease or diabetes or anxiety, those physical or emotional challenges do not have to be yours, too.

When you understand how to make the science of epigenetics work for you, you can potentially enhance your immune system, increase bone regeneration, improve your memory, and revitalize your health and wellbeing at every level, actively promoting your longevity.

In essence, you can systematically and deliberately trigger specific processes in your genes.

As integrative medicine pioneer and epigenetics expert Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier explains, your ability to upgrade your biochemistry can go as far as transforming short or tattered telomere chromosomes into their longer, healthier version — the form that indicates longer life.

When you join Dr. Pelletier — who has impeccable academic and medical credentials — for this free online event, you’ll have the opportunity to experience a meditative visualization transporting you to a future where you are vital, healthy, and happy — a simple, yet powerful exercise that can help you start positively influencing your gene expression right now.


During this life-enhancing hour, you’ll:

  • Discover what epigenetics really is
  • Learn 5 scientifically validated ways to positively influence your genetic expression to live a healthier, happier, and longer life
  • Experience a meditative visualization that can transport you to a future where you are vital, healthy, and free — and help you start positively influencing​ your gene expression
  • Ponder such questions as Should I eat almonds or walnuts? as you gain fascinating insights into what your epigenetic profile says about what’s best for you
  • Discover how your spiritual practice can not only shift your consciousness, but also influence your genes — for the better

Dr. Pelletier will share fascinating case studies about twins and what they tell us about our own genetic expression and how to “upgrade” it.

You’ll also learn longevity secrets from some of the world’s “Blue Zones,” geographic areas where there are low rates of chronic disease and much-longer-than-average life spans.

And you’ll be among the first to hear about Dr. Pelletier’s brand-new 7-week online course, where you’ll work with your unique genetic profile using proven scientific insights into what to eat, how to exercise, how to manage stress, and even how to use your spiritual practice to optimize your epigenetics... guiding you onto the path of a long, vital, and happy life.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier and experience your ability to positively influence your gene expression — and enhance your longevity — with a meditative visualization transporting you to a future where you are vital, happy, and healthy.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier...

“Over the past four decades, my friend Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier has devoted his professional life to the study of what constitutes health and wellness.”

Over the past four decades, my friend Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier has devoted his professional life to the study of what constitutes health and wellness. His entire body of work, including over a dozen books, has been a series of signposts pointing the way to a well-lived and healthful life. From diet and exercise to alternative medicine, and from acupuncture and meditation... Ken has always tried to show how our personal choices, when they are based in the latest research science, can lead to a healthier and hopefully longer life.
Andrew Weil, MD, Professor of Medicine and founder of the Weil Center at the University of Arizona School of Medicine, and international expert and author on integrative medicine

“[Dr. Pelletier] is a master translator of this complex science into simple and usable.”

So you think health is all in your genes? Think again. It’s in your epigenes! Dr. Pelletier once again shows he is a master translator of this complex science into simple and usable. Read it. Use it.
— Wayne Jonas, MD, Executive Director, Samueli Integrative Health Programs, and author of How Healing Works

“... cutting-edge insights into the power of epigenetics...”

An integrative medicine pioneer, [Dr. Kennit Pelletier] shares cutting-edge insights into the power of epigenetics to upgrade the genetic cards of life you have been dealt.
— Mehmet Oz, MD, professor and Emmy Award-winning host of The Dr. Oz Show

“If you have ever worried that the genetic hand you have been dealt determines your destiny, worry no more.”

If you have ever worried that the genetic hand you have been dealt determines your destiny, worry no more. Dr. Kenneth Pelletier’s new book, Change Your Genes, Change Your Life, redefines your genes from something you are stuck with to something you have profound influence over by the choices you make every day — how you eat, sleep, move, relax, and the environment you live in. If you want to be empowered to be the [best] expression of yourself, read this book.
— Mark Hyman, MD, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Food: What The Heck Should I Eat? and Director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine

“The future of healthcare will be preventable, personalized, predictable, and participatory.”

The future of healthcare will be preventable, personalized, predictable, and participatory. Read this book to find out how.
— Deepak Chopra, MD, founder of the Chopra Center and clinical professor of medicine at the University of California School of Medicine at San Diego

“... revolutionize[s] the belief that we are inexorably controlled by our genes...”

Dr. Pelletier’s Change Your Genes, Change Your Life will revolutionize the belief that we are inexorably controlled by our genes, and provide the same opportunity for redefining health as his landmark book Mind as Healer, Mind as Slayer did for the body-mind revolution in 1977.
— Jeffrey Bland, PhD, Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute


About Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier

Kenneth R. Pelletier, PhD, MD, is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California School of Medicine and the University of Arizona School of Medicine in Tucson. He is also Chairman of the American Health Association and is a vice president with American Specialty Health. At the UCSF School of Medicine, he is the Director of the Corporate Health Improvement Program (CHIP), a research program between CHIP and 15 Fortune 500 corporations, including Ford, Oracle, IBM, Apple, and NASA.

Dr. Pelletier has served as a member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the California Wellness Foundation, Foundation Health Systems (FHS), Health Systems International (HSI), and the Social Venture Network. He was a Woodrow Wilson Fellow, studied at the CG Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland, and has published over 300 professional journal articles in behavioral medicine, disease management, worksite interventions, alternative/integrative medicine, and epigenetics.

His research, clinical practice, and publications have been the subject of numerous national television programs, including several appearances on ABC World News, Today, Good Morning America, CBS Evening News, 48 Hours, McNeil-Lehrer Newshour, the award-winning BBC series The Long Search, and the 5-part PBS series Healthy People, Healthy Business.

Dr. Pelletier is a peer reviewer for several medical journals, including the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and serves on a number of corporate boards. He has published over 300 professional articles and has appeared on ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, and the BBC to discuss his research.

He is the author of 14 books, including the international bestseller Mind as Healer, Mind as Slayer... Holistic MedicineHealthy People in Unhealthy Places... Sound Mind, Sound BodyThe Best Alternative Medicine... Stress Free for Good... New Medicine... and Change Your Genes, Change Your Life.
