With Bodyworker (TRE®, Craniosacral, Chiropractic),
Teacher & Author
Steve Haines

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Optimize and sustain your health on every level of your being with integrated TRE so you can disrupt your overactive fight-or-flight response patterns and experience feelings of connection and peace.


The complex phenomenon of trauma is all around us and within us especially these days.

Traditional trauma-healing modalities tend to focus on the mental or emotional causes of trauma which may actually reactivate the associated stress and pain along the way.

What if you could live from a place of total wellbeing and ease all by harnessing the power of your body’s natural reflexes?

Tension Releasing Exercises®, or TRE, engages your primitive reflexes to reveal where trauma is residing in your body. You then “shake it out,” releasing long-held tension patterns and experiencing feelings of connection and peace.

Your central nervous system will find the stimulus of shaking quite novel and this new stimuli, approached safely and with curiosity, can support your learning and growth in all areas of your life.

Join us for a 7-module video course with bodyworker and TRE expert Steve Haines, and explore TRE as a safe, natural process to reboot overprotective reflexes. You’ll harness the power of your reflexes to release trauma and neutralize your own fear-based patterns while calming your nervous system and gently returning your body to a state of balance.

While the psychology of trauma is complex, Steve believes the physiology is relatively simple. All trauma is a byproduct of fear, triggered by self-perceived threats or danger. When facing trauma, old parts of your brain are fixed in fight-or-flight or freeze mode.

TRE exercises target specific muscles throughout your body, releasing deeply held trauma through your natural reflexes. These exercises also assist in rebooting the brain patterns that trigger fear and pain responses.

Steve will share how to recognize the early signs of distress and then return to an inner sense of safety, no matter what you’re experiencing in the world.

There are wordless stories inside of you. Your capacity for experience is far greater than your capacity for language. TRE will help you become familiar with a huge range of feeling states.

You’ll learn to find the feeling, before the feeling.

A UK registered chiropractor with a background in yoga, shiatsu, and biodynamic craniosacral therapy states, Steve’s integrative approach to TRE has already helped thousands around the world shake out of overactive fight-or-flight patterns and into their natural, joyous state.

Your own body can help you shift out of the mental- and emotional-based effects of fear, trauma, and pain so you can confidently live a deeply empowered life.


In this experiential online course, you’ll:

  • Discover TRE as a simple and effective somatic practice that harnesses the power of your primitive reflexes to release stress, tension, and trauma on all levels of your being
  • Explore the TRE ritual of 7 exercises that trigger your natural tremor mechanism
  • Recognize the reliable, early signs of distress, including signs that show when you’re more activated than you realize
  • Learn the power of avoiding freezing, flooding, and dissociating
  • Practice guided techniques to support tremors in your hips, spine, and shoulders, and contain feelings when they’re going too quickly
  • Deepen your understanding of trauma theory
  • Discover how emotions are related to sensations
  • Explore the powerful truth that you don't always need to talk about the past to heal in the present
  • Learn about polyvagal theory and your core survival gestures of moving from safe and social to fight-or-flight to freeze
  • Deepen your appreciation of the diverse and complex range of psychological behaviors you exhibit when you’re overwhelmed
  • Return to the simplicity of finding safety in your body via shaking
  • Pace yourself and create an ongoing practice for self-healing

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module transformational intensive, Steve will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to successfully integrate a TRE practice into your daily life that activates your body’s natural reflexes to alleviate deeply held stress, tension, and trauma, while bolstering your built-in capacity to regulate your own wellbeing.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Steve. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to optimize and sustain your health and wellbeing with integrated TRE for a life of freedom, ease, and joy

Module 1: The Joy of Shaking


Shaking is a simple, safe tool to help you feel more connected and alive. Developed by Dr. David Berceli, Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE), trigger a natural shaking reflex.

In this opening module, Steve will take you through the history of shaking, a lost practice in many healing traditions. He’ll share insights from ethology the study of animal behavior and explain how shaking is a mammalian reflex for discharging stress.

This module will be all about finding safety in the body and the essentials of embodied approaches to working with overwhelm. To heal trauma, you don’t need to understand or to remember. You also don’t need to talk about your most difficult experiences!

You’ll begin working with Steve’s bottom-up approach, where you’ll heal trauma by reconnecting to your body. When you switch off protective reflexes of fight-or-flight or freeze, you free yourself from intrusive thoughts, pain, and stuck emotions.

TRE teaches how to be with intense feelings without becoming overwhelmed. Shaking is a powerful stimulus to help you release chronic stress and tension. As you’ll discover, shaking helps you wake up your body.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore the importance of feeling safe, being playful, and being curious
  • Learn how to turn on, pay attention to, and, turn off tremors
  • Discover the TRE ritual of 7 exercises that trigger your natural tremor mechanism
  • Learn about Dr. David Berceli and the history of TRE
  • Understand core principles from the latest science of trauma
  • Start to identify when primitive reflexes begin to hijack your mind and body

Module 2: Grounding & Shaking to Connect


There is a hidden response to traumatic events.

Nearly everyone knows about the stress response of speeding up to survive…

… but not enough people know about the shutdown response, in which we slow down to survive.

Steve will explain how shutdown is also known as freeze, dissociation, collapse, and playing dead. Shutdown’s essence is a gesture of immobilizing and switching off so you can survive.

Dissociation is the essence of trauma. For many survivors, it’s the hidden mystery at the heart of trauma. It’s a very confusing state, where you can feel numb, disconnected, and empty. Frequently, you feel stuck, unable to think or act. Often, it feels horrible and scary.

Sometimes, however, dissociation can feel safe, floaty, and expansive, as though you’re no longer bound by your body.

The main chemicals of dissociation are endorphins your body’s natural painkillers. For many of us, there is a seductive, cozy quality to dissociation. It can seem easier to not feel and to tune out, rather than to remain present.

The opposite of dissociation is being grounded a beautiful, earthy word that describes being present and connected. As you'll discover, groundedness is a state in which you’re at home in your body, and observant of the space around you.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how to feel safe in your body
  • Practice simple tools for being grounded
  • Discover when daydreaming becomes too much
  • Understand the barriers that make it hard to connect to the body
  • Discover the power of moving slowly with intense feelings

Module 3: Self-Regulation for Healing Trauma


All modern trauma therapists focus on teaching how to regulate intense feelings. It’s now well understood that going slow is actually the quickest way to heal trauma.

Feeling is difficult, yet it’s a skill that can be taught. Often you’ll need support and community to help you co-regulate before you can self-regulate.

If things are feeling too strange, too quick, too much, or too floaty during the tremor process you can learn to put the brakes on and stop.

By learning to regulate the tremors of TRE, you can learn to regulate all feeling states.

You’ll develop your skills and strength to help you build a strong, resilient container to hold your trauma.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to practice going slow as the quickest way to heal trauma
  • Ways to recognize the reliable, early signs of distress, including signs that show when you’re more activated than you realize
  • Principles for self-regulation: OMG, not as in Oh My God, but as in Orient-Move-Ground
  • The power of avoiding freezing, flooding, and dissociating
  • A guided practice to intervene and contain feelings when they’re going too quickly

Module 4: Free Your Body Shake to Release


Tension has a habit of creeping up on us. If we’re not careful, we become a bag of contractions, holding on tightly each and every day in order to survive.

When you're braced against life and you’re stuck trying to protect yourself, it’s hard work.

With TRE, you can shake it off. You can let go and allow natural tremors to free your body from the inside a wonderful feeling.

You’ll explore the key metaphor of releasing tension and trauma. You’ll encourage the tremors to meet the stuck parts of your body.

Steve will share plenty of tips and tricks to help the tremors move seamlessly through your whole body. He’ll help you understand the basic structure of the body so you can appreciate where and why tremors can get stuck.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how to shake it off
  • Discover the living matrix of fascia in your body
  • Learn about your diaphragm and slow, gentle breathing
  • Come out of stuck patterns to new creative possibilities
  • Practice techniques to support tremors in your hips, spine, and shoulders

Module 5: To Heal, You Don't Need to Understand or Remember


How do the mind and body connect? This is a very old problem. Shaking is an amazing training in mind-body connection.

At the heart of TRE is profound trust in the wisdom of the body. Trauma is seen as primarily a physiological response rather than a psychological problem.

To heal trauma, you don’t need to understand or remember. The goal is to turn down the dial on protective reflexes that are trying to speed you up or shut you down so you can survive.

This a radical paradigm shift away from thinking and understanding as the key elements of healing.

You’ll learn how emotions are rooted in the body’s sensations. Steve will guide you to notice and label feelings and have feelings, rather than become them.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Deepen your understanding of trauma theory
  • Discover how emotions are related to sensations
  • Find new ways of describing and inhabiting your body
  • Understand that trauma is about physiology, not psychology
  • Learn that you don't always need to talk about the past to heal in the present
  • Practice new feeling states

Module 6: The Neurobiology of Trauma


This module is a deeper dive into how the nervous, hormone, and immune systems are involved in trauma.

Many people are surprised to learn they’re not mad, bad, or broken. When you truly comprehend that protective reflexes are normal reactions to extraordinary events, you take a massive step forward in your healing.

Steve will introduce you to Dr. Stephen Porges’ research as you’ll discover, it’s full of very influential scientific discoveries about primitive survival reflexes. Steve will make Dr. Porges’ polyvagal theory simple and relevant to your daily life.

He’ll explain how, as your perception of a threat increases, you might default to your older reflexes to survive. It’s your neurobiology responding to perceived danger, and Dr. Porges outlines this process in the stages of Orientation, Mobilization, and Immobilization.

In this session, Steve will also review the literature on stress and highlight the insights you can use in ordinary life.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Develop your understanding of stress
  • Briefly touch on the complexity of trauma and its wider models in psychology
  • Learn about polyvagal theory and your core survival gestures of moving from safe and social to fight-or-flight to freeze
  • Deepen your appreciation of the diverse and complex range of psychological behaviours you exhibit when you’re overwhelmed
  • Return to the simplicity of finding safety in your body via shaking

Module 7: Interventions to Enhance Your Wellbeing


This final module is a chance to rediscover being playful with the tremor process.

After you’ve moved through the previous sessions, there may be all sorts of change happening within you.

You’ll explore classic tools and interventions in TRE to help find coherence, variety, and fluidity in your shaking process.

Building confidence in the strength and power of your body and the tremors can take time. Steve will give you a framework for how tremors commonly progress and how to develop a sustained TRE practice.

TRE is about you healing yourself. It’s a powerful tool to support your ongoing healing journey.

There are times to develop your strength and resilience as you learn to let go. Other times, you’ll want to go gently, slowly building your capacity to feel.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover how to build resilience
  • Develop your skills to trust the tremors
  • Learn how to pace yourself and create an ongoing practice for self-healing
  • Recognize when to speed your practice up and when to calm things down
  • Understand the power of being curious and playful

The Awaken Powerful Primitive Somatic Reflexes Bonus Collection

In addition to Steve’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


When you register by Midnight Pacific on Tuesday, August 17, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Top 5 Sessions From the Somatic Movement Summit
Selected Video Sessions From the 2021 Summit

With these five sessions from the Somatic Movement Summit an online gathering of leaders in this growing and evolutionary field you’ll not only receive abundant knowledge from world-renowned somatic movement experts… you’ll also gain first-hand, in-the-moment experiences of fluid motion as medicine for your body and mind. You’ll receive sessions from Steve Haines, Mia Segal, Daisy Lee, Kaila June, and Lavinia Plonka.


Plus... you’ll receive these bonuses too!

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Tuesday, August 24, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

TRE & Pain
Video Dialogue With Steve Haines and Dr. David Berceli

Explore the latest science around pain and how the practice of TRE can help relieve it in this information-packed dialogue. You’ll look at what it means to feel safe, and why pain can be viewed as an output to protect. Steve and David also discuss the bridges between pain and trauma and share useful clinical insights on how to change your pain experience.


Plus... you’ll receive these bonuses too!

Five Ways to Feel More
PDF Guide From Steve Haines

Being in tune with your body is a lifelong skill that takes work to master. In this PDF guide by Steve, you’ll receive tips and resources on how to become skillful at the feeling business. You’ll explore supplemental insight into the importance of feeling and the beautiful, poetic, and simple benefits of being present. Each “Try It Now” section will help you find groundedness and health in your body. You’ll also broaden your perspective of movement, breathing, and meditation as key tools you can use anytime to feel less stressed and more embodied.


In-Depth Introduction to the Neurology of Shaking
Video Teaching From Steve Haines

This bonus lecture is a deep dive into “our internal dancers.” Think of a fish that moves by creating rhythmic waves in its whole body. Humans don’t just have a “reptilian brain,” we have a dancing “fish brain” living inside our spinal cord. There are groups of oscillatory neurons through the cord (central pattern generators) that are always active and that generate rhythmic activity. As we evolved, we have learned to control and inhibit the central pattern governors so we can stand, walk, and move. TRE puts the fish brain into a positive feedback loop, generating lots of good news inside the whole central nervous system.


Physiology of Curiosity: Learning From Polyvagal Theory
Video Dialogue With Steve Haines and David Fuller

Your ability to be curious is centered on your ability to feel safe. Likewise, “the loss of curiosity is the loss of safety.” The polyvagal theory of Dr. Stephen Porges can help us understand the physiology of feeling safe. As you’ll discover in this bonus video, we work best when we’re vagal superstars. With our new vagus turned on, we’re happier, less inflamed, more social, and more curious.


What People Are Saying About Steve Haines…


Clove Khaki Simmons: “I Emerged With Some Really Profound Healing and Growth and Insights”

Lisa O'Shaughnessy: “Steve’s Training Completely Changed the Way I Think About Myself and the Way I Think and Interact With Others”


Martha Cuffy: “I’ve Ended Up a More Relaxed Person, a More Confident Person”

Kate Lowe: “I’ve Always Felt Very Safe, Very Held, and That I'm Being Really Listened To”

Chandani Amin: “My Relationship With My Body Has Changed Phenomenally Since I Started Doing TRE”

“I feel I have a useful life skill to continue to use and build on in the future.”

I liked the balance of theory and practice and the carefully facilitated shaking sessions. It felt very safe and encouraging. It was great to have firsthand experience of TRE and something I would also recommend to friends, family, and clients. I feel I have a useful life skill to continue to use and build on in the future.
Brenda Barrass-Pay, psychotherapist

“My hips and pelvis have opened up and loosened up in a way they haven’t felt for years...”

My hips and pelvis have opened up and loosened up in a way they haven’t felt for years, especially since childbirth.
Kate Munden, EFT and NLP practitioner

“Really learned a lot and really enjoyed it.”

The depth and pace of the course was well managed. The concepts were delivered in a very accessible way, accommodating different learning styles. It was supported by a great team. Really learned a lot and really enjoyed it.
Lucy Levens, yoga teacher and advocate of sexual violence survivors

“I feel invigorated, excited, and curious to explore my own therapeutic process to TRE...”

I really liked the experiential nature of the course, which focused on my own process of shaking. This to me is the best way to learn anything in terms of actually putting it into practice in my own body and witnessing how others came into contact with their personal practice too. I feel invigorated, excited, and curious to explore my own therapeutic process to TRE as well as to eventually begin to support others in this work too. I felt really supported and held by Steve and loved the number of tutors involved, which gave the course safety and depth. What a rich web of exploration to come back to this amazing tool at my disposal that I so often forget or even neglect my body. Thanks to all and I am so excited!
Jules Kosciuczyk, integrative therapeutic counselor and co-founder of The Brain Garden

“10/10 would recommend it for anyone...”

This course exceeded my expectations of what I would learn and receive. Steve created a great container for students to learn new material, communicate, and build a meaningful relationship with tutors and fellow students. This course was conducted in a very professional, respectful way and still had the elements of community and connection that can usually only be found at an in-person training program. 10/10 would recommend it for anyone looking to improve their personal practice, who would like to learn a new tool to relieve stress and anxiety.
Leilani Fernandez, counselor and bodyworker

“The high quality of teaching and the amount of knowledge we received is very impressive…”

The high quality of teaching and the amount of knowledge we received is very impressive and inspiring to keep learning about trauma, healing, somatic work... how it all works. I really liked how the class was handled by Steve, making it interactive and fun, and allowing students to share their experience during the deep process. I like how we are offered space for listening, to not feel obligated to shake and to learn how to tune in to our inner guide/voice. I liked the sharings, and the assistant crew was also very professional. I learnt a lot, and got to release some old frustration/tension from the body, bringing extra awareness of my own inner process.
Daniel Anner, yoga teacher

“I liked the experiential and teaching balance…”

I liked the experiential and teaching balance, the simple and clear way TRE works with the nervous system.
Lesley Burrows, psychotherapist

“I have found TRE to be the most potent form of self-healing that I have experienced.”

Claude Laroque, yoga teacher

“TRE has completely changed my relationship to my body.”

Denise Stillie, EFT, NLP, and hypnotherapy practitioner

“I feel really happy to have been a part of the course.”

Pierre-Yves Daicon, dancer/choreographer and ortho-bionomy practitioner


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Steve Haines

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Steve Haines Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from bodyworker (TRE, craniosacral, chiropractic), teacher, and author Steve Haines from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to optimize and sustain your health on every level and experience feelings of connection and peace.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

The Awaken Powerful Primitive Somatic Reflexes Bonus Collection

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Tuesday, August 17, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • Top 5 Sessions From the Somatic Movement Summit
    Selected Video Sessions From the 2021 Summit

Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Tuesday, August 24, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • TRE & Pain
    Video Dialogue With Steve Haines and Dr. David Berceli

Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!

  • Five Ways to Feel More
    PDF Guide From Steve Haines
  • In-Depth Introduction to the Neurology of Shaking
    Video Teaching From Steve Haines
  • Physiology of Curiosity: Learning From Polyvagal Theory
    Video Dialogue With Steve Haines and David Fuller

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Awaken Powerful Primitive Somatic Reflexes With TRE to Shake Free of Trauma & Find Safety, Freedom & Joy Online Training


We feel honored that Steve Haines has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a bodyworker, teacher, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about optimizing and sustaining your health on every level of your being, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Awaken Powerful Primitive Somatic Reflexes With TRE® to Shake Free of Trauma & Find Safety, Freedom & Joy or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Steve Haines…

“I really appreciated the skills, knowledge, grounding, and embodiment of Steve.”

Great teaching! I really appreciated the skills, knowledge, grounding, and embodiment of Steve.
Emmanuelle Rosa, somatic experiencing practitioner and senior assistant, physiotherapist, and acupuncturist

“I found Steve to be a fantastic teacher.”

I understood in a different way what it means to be grounded. I found Steve to be a fantastic teacher. I liked his sense of humour and the way he made the group enjoyable
Silvia Rosales Harrigan, teacher

“It was extremely pleasurable and I felt it was something that put me in touch with the essence of my nature.”

I noticed an increase in my own natural energy as a result of losing nervous system energy. And also a great sense of bliss. It was extremely pleasurable and I felt it was something that put me in touch with the essence of my nature.
Hilary Austin, bioenergetics therapist

“... it just helps to free things up that for some crazy reason we have held on to.”

TRE comes in below the psychological, below our cultural level it comes right in underneath the radar and it just helps to free things up that for some crazy reason we have held on to
Tim Kirkpatrick, meditation teacher and craniosacral therapist


About Steve Haines...

Steve Haines, a bodyworker for over 20 years, is the author of the award-winning Anxiety Is Really Strange, part of a series of graphic books that include Pain Is Really Strange, Trauma Is Really Strange, and Touch Is Really Strange.

Understanding the science of pain and trauma has transformed his approach to healing. He has studied yoga, Shiatsu, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST), and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®). A UK registered chiropractor, he teaches TRE and BCST all over the world. His treatments use education, embodied awareness, and light touch to help people move more freely and be more present. Steve lives and works between London and Geneva.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
