With HeartMath Institute’s Director of Research
Rollin McCraty, PhD

A 7-Module Online Video Training


Adopt scientifically proven techniques to help you find calm in any circumstance... increase your immunity... gain a renewed sense of vitality, focus, and unconditional love... and activate the power of your inner guidance.


Imagine having the capacity to take charge of your emotions and liberate yourself from anxiety and emotional overwhelm, in any moment.

Although these challenging times have been extraordinarily and universally difficult shaking many of us to our core…

… painful and anxiety-provoking circumstances (from small to massive) arise continuously throughout a lifetime and impact our wellbeing on a multitude of levels.

How do you create and maintain a baseline of peace, joy, and physical and emotional wellbeing when life knocks you off balance?

How can you reclaim and sustain presence, focus, radiance, connection with others, and a general love of life even when turmoil is swirling within or around you?

Even in chaotic times, within us all, there’s an intelligence that can lift us into a new experience of flow, fulfillment, and spiritual connection your heart’s intelligence.

Research by the HeartMath Institute shows that the patterns of our heart rhythms reflect in our emotional states. And HeartMath has developed a scientifically proven system (based on over 400 independent studies) that can effectively help you navigate stress and triggers in the moment by shifting into an inner state of heart coherence.

Register for a deeply healing 7-module online course with the HeartMath Institute’s director of research, Rollin McCraty, PhD. He will be sharing wisdom and practices, grounded in science, about the power of heart coherence to transform your mind-body experience of life to one of happiness and wholeness.

Rollin will guide you in potent, validated techniques to help you access your intuitive inner guidance system which is important not only for your personal health and wellbeing, but also for improving social harmony and global coherence.

What Is Heart Coherence & How Can It Shift Your Reality?

There’s a dynamic partnership between your heart, mind, body, and spirit. Important scientific discoveries have revealed that your heart operates as an information processing center and communication hub for your body and brain.

In this course, Rollin will show you how achieving heart coherence a scientifically validated state in which your heart and brain are energetically aligned and cooperating with one another can increase your capacity to feel positive emotions like love, joy, and gratitude, and significantly improve every aspect of your life.

When your body, mind, and spirit are attuned through heart coherence, you experience a mental and emotional clarity that energizes you on multiple levels.

You become more attentive, creative, and laser-focused. You feel balanced, grounded, and better equipped to deal with whatever situations and challenges life presents you with.

Rollin will take you on an in-depth journey to learn how to intentionally shift quickly into a state of coherence, in any circumstance, to help you stay present in the face of any disruption

enabling you to manage stress, access your intuition, clear brain fog, make productive decisions, increase your social connectivity, and get more in sync with yourself and the entire planet.

The ability to continually come back to coherence acts as a gateway to the intelligence of your higher self, and brings your energetic self into balance with your mind-body physical system.

By integrating the heart coherence techniques that you’ll practice during the course, into your daily life, you’ll regularly be able to achieve and maintain composure and balance anytime, anywhere.

And with a practice of up to 20 minutes a day, you’ll build a new muscle to more and more easily find that coherent state… and create new neural pathways that your body will start to recognize as your new normal.


As this transformational program unfolds, you’ll discover:

  • What heart coherence is, and many techniques to capture its power to create personal, social, and global harmony
  • Ways to intentionally create energy fields that raise your consciousness and help change the planetary vibration
  • The science of interconnectivity
  • How planetary, solar, and cosmic energies affect our emotions, mental functions, health, and behaviors
  • The joy of making better choices based on who you authentically are
  • An increased capacity to rise above the pettiness of everyday annoyances
  • Enhanced intuition, radiance, clarity, and connection with yourself and others
  • Practices of up to 20 minutes to help you build a baseline of resilience
  • Self-regulation techniques to learn how to pause, regroup, and shift in the moment, so you can live with more personal peace, joy, and fulfillment
  • How we influence each other through the energetic fields we radiate
  • A richer and more increased love for life
  • Ways to bring your heart, mind, and emotions into alignment, to access your highest potential
  • How to progressively replace old mindsets, attitudes, and feelings that block access to your higher self
  • And much more...

The Global Coherence Initiative was launched by the HeartMath Institute as a science-based, international effort that seeks to help awaken the heart of humanity and promote peace, harmony, and a shift in global consciousness.

Register for this course for a deeper dive into your own heart’s intelligence, and discover the interconnectivity of all living systems through our planet’s magnetic field...

… as Rollin provides you with techniques that can transform the world personally, societally, and globally.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module transformational intensive, Rollin will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to achieve heart coherence in any circumstance... increase your immunity... gain a renewed sense of vitality, focus, and unconditional love... and activate the power of your inner guidance.

Module 1: The Science of Global Coherence & Interconnectivity How Love Connects Us


In this opening module, Rollin will share about the term coherence, and how it reflects harmony and order at the personal, social, and global level.

Rollin will offer the latest research on energetic interconnectivity, and how love is the primary factor in nonlocal heart rhythm synchronization.

You’ll examine the Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) suggestion that the Earth’s magnetic fields provide a mechanism that interconnects and distributes information to all living beings on our planet and why it’s so important to “feed the field” with more love and compassion.

Rollin will then guide you in a practice to send coherently focused love and heart energy to the global field to ease and soften the impact of planetary stress and discord...

… while holding an intention of deeper connections among people and more harmonious cooperation for the good of the whole.

This process also helps strengthen and stabilize the mutually beneficial feedback loops between human beings and the Earth itself.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The science of interconnectivity
  • How planetary, solar, and cosmic energies affect our emotions, mental functions, health, and behaviors
  • How to intentionally create energy fields that raise your consciousness vibration and help change the planetary vibration
  • How the GCI magnetometers measure Earth’s magnetic rhythms
  • The Global Tree Monitoring system for measuring how collective consciousness affects the global field
  • A heart coherence technique for radiating love to yourself and the planetary field environment

Module 2: Getting the Heart & Brain in Sync Reduce Stress & Make Better Choices


In this session, Rollin will introduce a practical framework of energy self-regulation and the Inner-Ease™ Technique…

… which can help you gain more inner poise, intuition, and clarity in the face of change and overwhelm. You’ll discover how improved inner balance and composure facilitates clearer thinking and a stronger alignment with your personal purpose and heart values.

You’ll explore how heart-brain interactions affect many aspects of cognition and emotional stability. Rollin will share how technology is used to reinforce self-regulation skills associated with a distinct change in the rhythm of heart activity which enables optimal mental function and a wide range of improved health outcomes.

He’ll show you how self-regulation is fundamentally important to operate optimally. Performance decreases when people lack the capacity to self-regulate their emotions and behaviors in the face of ongoing challenges which can perpetuate your experience of stress.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • The Inner-Ease™ Technique a self-regulation technique that can be used in the moment to better manage stress, especially in challenging times
  • An exercise to reveal how, as you expend energy, you can learn to make better choices
  • What the brain in the heart (Heart-Brain) is, and its surprising role in optimal health and performance
  • The benefits of heart coherence on mental performance and emotional composure
  • What heart rate variability is and why it’s important
  • About the free Global Coherence App, which you’ll use throughout the course to monitor our collective heart coherence

Module 3: Moving From Depletion to Renewal Keep Your Inner Battery Charged


In this module, Rollin will introduce the Depletion to Renewal™ Grid an effective tool for expanding self-awareness around the attitudes and emotional undercurrents you experience.

You’ll come to understand how those emotions affect key aspects of your physiology, performance, actions, and behavior.

Rollin will guide you in an on-the-go coherence technique that you can use in your daily life to transform emotional stress reactions.

In this session, you’ll experience:

  • How the Depletion to Renewal™ Grid can be used in daily life to increase self-awareness and better manage stress
  • A self-regulation technique to shift draining emotional states and attitudes in the moment so you can live with more personal peace, joy, and fulfillment
  • Practices for sustaining coherence and composure
  • What the primary, hidden source of stress is

Module 4: The Intuitive Heart Your Inner GPS for Navigating Life’s Challenges & Developing Creative Solutions


Within each of us, there’s an intelligence that can lift us beyond our problems and into a new experience of creativity and performance even in the midst of chaos.

As a high-speed, intuitive source of wisdom, it embraces and fosters cognitive and emotional intelligence and clear perception. The HeartMath Institute calls it heart intelligence.

In this session, you’ll discover the three primary types of intuition, and receive scientific data on how the human heart is connected to your larger self. Rollin will guide you in a technique to help you more easily access your heart’s intuitive guidance enabling you to make better choices as the unveiling of your authentic self and your life purpose unfolds

You’ll also explore:

  • The science of intuition and effective ways to increase your connection with your intuitive heart
  • How to solve problems and make better choices from a different level of consciousness
  • Techniques for rising above the predictable and often mechanical approaches to problems
  • Ways to bring your heart, mind, and emotions into alignment, to access your higher potentials
  • The power of freezing the frame in the moment creating an inner pause that can ward off some of your largest stress deficits, especially in these times of rapid change

Module 5: Transforming Self-Limiting Emotional Memories & Mindsets


Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to change continuously throughout life. Subconscious emotional memories underlie and affect our perceptions, emotional reactions, thought processes, and behavior. This means we can easily get “stuck” in unhealthy patterns, unconscious biases, judgments, and inaccurate perceptions of ourselves and others.

One way to establish sustainable change and move beyond the past is to establish a new internal baseline reference that becomes your new normal.

In this module, Rollin will explain the science of baselines in a simple and straightforward way. He’ll also introduce the Cut-Thru® Technique to help you establish a new coherent baseline and reduce the limiting influence that emotional memories and mindsets can have on your perceptions.

This mind-opening module will reveal:

  • The importance of turnarounds to reduce or soften trigger reactions and transform areas that you thought impossible
  • How you can feel more secure and resilient in any of life’s interactions
  • Practices for clearing stress patterns that are stored in your cells
  • A heart-awakening technique to raise the baseline of your spiritual awareness
  • How to progressively replace old mindsets, attitudes, and feelings that block access to your higher self

Module 6: Understanding That What We Feed the Field Matters Social & Relational Energetics


It’s been scientifically established that energy and information are always being exchanged between people.

In this module, you’ll discover that when an individual is in heart coherence, the heart radiates a more coherent magnetic signal into the environment and can lift others into a more balanced state. Other people (as well as animals) can detect your heart’s magnetic field. This phenomenon explains how you can feel or sense another person’s presence and emotional state independent of body language or other factors.

This module, Rollin will also share about personal vibration, and how it can fluctuate throughout the day.

You’ll come to understand:

  • Ways to intentionally create energy fields that raise your consciousness vibration and that of others
  • How we influence each other through the energetic fields we radiate
  • The science that supports the importance of feeding the field with more love and compassion
  • The Shift and Lift™ on-the-go coherence technique to raise your vibration and lift your energetic field

Module 7: Redirecting Planetary Consciousness Daily Practice of Feeding the Field With More Love & Compassion


Even with our best intentions to practice new strategies that can benefit us, the fade factor tends to happen after a short time. We forget to practice, get lazy, decide we’ll “do it tomorrow.” The fade factor happens because we tend to default to our usual, though not always productive or effective, ways.

When your practice becomes more familiar and automatic, you establish a new baseline. 

In this closing module, you’ll circle back to the first module and explore what you’ve now experienced that your personal level of vibration and your day-to-day practices are not only important for your own health and evolution. They also affect the planetary consciousness field.

You’ll also explore self-compassion, compassionate latitude, and patience.

In this final session, you’ll look at:

  • Ways to react to fading commitments, to increase your care, kindness, and compassion
  • How to establish follow-through, which is the key to transformation
  • A unique perspective on the importance of compassionate latitude, patience, and radiating love
  • The journey you’ve taken into your deeper heart

The Heart Coherence Bonus Collection

In addition to Rollin’s transformative 7-module online course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Heart Intelligence: Connecting With the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart
Ebook by Doc Childre, Howard Martin, Deborah Rozman, and Rollin McCraty

This elegant book will provide you with a new, high-definition picture of the energetic heart as a unifying, creative, intuitive intelligence. With this beautiful and informative piece of wisdom and writing, you can learn how to draw on your energetic heart for moment-to-moment guidance.


The Science of Interconnectivity: Exploring the Human-Earth Connection
Ebook by Rollin McCraty and Annette Deyhle

For millennia, classical physics has defined reality as a vast array of solid objects separated by empty space. Scientists today, however, suggest that there’s an unseen thread tying all things together what the authors of the 34-page ebook call a holistic web of interconnectedness. With this powerful bonus, you’ll explore a view of reality based on the emerging science of interconnectivity. You’ll discover the four central hypotheses that drive HeartMath’s Global Coherence Initiative research including their findings that the Earth’s magnetic fields carry biologically relevant information that connects all living systems.


Science of the Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance
Ebook by the HeartMath Institute Research Staff

This insightful and comprehensive monograph provides fundamental and detailed summaries of the HeartMath Institute’s many years of innovative research. It presents brief overviews of heart-rate variability, resilience, coherence, heart-brain interactions, and intuition. You’ll also learn about the scientific discoveries that shaped the techniques the HeartMath Institute developed to increase fulfillment and effectiveness. This ebook includes summary reports of research conducted in the business, education, health, and first-responder fields. Whether you’re a layperson or a science professional, you’ll appreciate this ebook’s combination of simplicity and thoroughness


The Intuitive Heart: Accessing Inner Guidance to Raise Our Consciousness Baseline
Ebooklet From Rollin McCraty

Imagine being able to sense or know things that are neither in your immediate presence nor in your stored knowledge or memories. This has long been a part of many cultural traditions and a source of mystique. It’s now a curiosity among scientists and the subject of scientific research. This informative book is full of research gathered by the HeartMath Institute from a wide body of scientific studies and articles by the world’s most influential researchers on intuitive processes.


What People Are Saying About Rollin McCraty, PhD…


Marylene Ayotte: “I'm Extremely Grateful for Dr. McCraty's Lifelong Dedication to Researching the Power of Our Hearts”

Sheila Pride: “Rollin Is So Kind and Humble and Brilliant”

“These techniques, that are so practical and easy to learn, are also very powerful and transformative.”

HeartMath changed my life. I was always stressed out, worried, and anxious, and tried many ways to improve my wellbeing. Nothing really worked or had long-lasting results. These techniques, that are so practical and easy to learn, are also very powerful and transformative. And the best thing is that anyone can learn and benefit from them! I have seen amazing results in my teenage children, my family, friends, and colleagues. When people around you start noticing that you are calmer and more composed, less stressed, and these energetics remain, you know you are on the right path. I am so grateful for all the research and work that Dr. McCraty and the HeartMath team do to make these great teachings accessible to everyone. I truly hope this reaches as many people as possible, because living from our hearts is exactly what we need right now.
Liliana Navarro

“My HeartMath personal practice is helping me be more present and engaged in daily living.”

My HeartMath personal practice is helping me be more present and engaged in daily living. The more I grow through this practice, the more I experience my personal superpowers and heart’s desires in everyday situations!
J. Miles

“Dr. McCraty’s expertise, knowledge, and understanding in the field of human transformation and potential is impressive.”

Dr. McCraty’s expertise, knowledge, and understanding in the field of human transformation and potential is impressive. I am grateful for his lifelong dedication to researching and sharing the science behind the power of our hearts and how to align the mind, body, and emotions to optimize our potential. Through his research, Dr. McCraty not only offers new tools to help human beings live more coherent and harmonious lives, his work offers a new paradigm from which we can start understanding and viewing ourselves and our world as we are: fundamentally integrated, electromagnetic, and vibrational beings, versus merely chemical and mechanical beings. The HeartMath techniques were a huge blessing in my life as they helped me refocus, refresh, and renew my physiological and emotional strength. I gained the ability to disconnect emotionally from the stressors in my daily routine and have been able to return to a healthy place where I gain peace and resilience.
Brigette Wagner

“The simple but powerful HeartMath techniques help you take control of your thoughts and be more effective in your everyday life.”

It’s so easy to lose focus of the things that matter. The simple but powerful HeartMath techniques help you take control of your thoughts and be more effective in your everyday life.
Cassie Paizis

“It is simple, practical, and the best gift you can give yourself and others.”

Practicing the HeartMath coherence-building techniques has had a profound impact on my energy level and the way I now respond to my environment. Prior to practicing HeartMath coherence techniques, I practiced other meditation/visualization/mindfulness techniques. Although all brought benefits, I find that the HeartMath coherence techniques are more impactful in increasing my energy level and giving me the awareness and composure to respond rather than react to situations. The tools are easy to use as you go about your day. They provide me with the support necessary to perceive situations differently, and therefore act and respond differently, which positively impacts my personal and professional life. The great thing about the HeartMath coherence system is that not only can you feel the transformation within yourself, you can measure your progress in real time through the app. In my case, my baseline has shifted several times since I’ve incorporated the practice in my daily life. It’s a practice that’s cumulative and keeps on giving. It is simple, practical, and the best gift you can give yourself and others.
Marylène Ayotte

“HeartMath has enabled me to increase my resilience and energy levels...”

HeartMath has enabled me to increase my resilience and energy levels, making it possible to listen to others on a much more profound and intuitive level.
Gilda Joffe

“Dr. McCraty has a unique gift for making complex science concepts relatable to daily life…”

Dr. McCraty has a unique gift for making complex science concepts relatable to daily life while also teaching the HeartMath transformational skill set that has benefitted not only myself, but hundreds of my clients.
Michele Lash

“Dr. McCraty and the HeartMath research opened me to a whole new understanding of intuition and heart intelligence.”

Dr. McCraty and the HeartMath research opened me to a whole new understanding of intuition and heart intelligence. I discovered by practicing the heart coherence techniques that it is possible to tap into the flow of intelligence and deeper wisdom anytime. I cannot imagine living any other way.
Sarah Moor

“I have learned to establish inner balance, regardless of my external environment.”

The HeartMath tools and techniques have literally become the baseline of my everyday life. The awareness that each of us has the capacity to essentially flip a switch and, on demand, align our internal states syncing our heart, brain, and nervous systems, has been truly life-changing. I have learned to establish inner balance, regardless of my external environment. It impacts my presence, how I listen, and how I communicate in my relationships, and ultimately it has inspired me to have more compassion for myself and others. A true gift in these times!
Donna K.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Pre-Recorded Modules With Rollin McCraty

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Rollin McCraty, HeartMath Institute’s director of research from the comfort of your own home. Each class module includes a video teaching that guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to embody healing dance movements as a powerful and easy way to unveil and release suppressed emotions and liberate the authentic you.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Modules

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format with each module. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Module

Between modules, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each module’s lesson.

The Heart Coherence Bonus Collection
  • Heart Intelligence: Connecting With the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart
    Ebook by Doc Childre, Howard Martin, Deborah Rozman and Rollin McCraty
  • The Science of Interconnectivity: Exploring the Human-Earth Connection
    Ebook by Rollin McCraty and Annette Deyhle
  • Science of the Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance
    Ebook by the HeartMath Institute Research Staff
  • The Intuitive Heart: Accessing Inner Guidance to Raise Our Consciousness Baseline
    Ebooklet From Rollin McCraty

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Science & Practice of Heart Coherence Online Training


We feel honored that Rollin McCraty has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the director of research at HeartMath Research Center whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about staying peaceful under any circumstances... activating the power of your inner guidance… and intentionally creating energy fields that raise your consciousness and help change the planetary vibration, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Science & Practice of Heart Coherence or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form within 2 weeks of your purchase and we'll happily issue you a refund.


About Rollin McCraty, PhD

Rollin McCraty, PhD, is director of research for HeartMath Research Center at HeartMath Institute. As a psychophysiologist, Rollin's research interests include the physiology of emotion, with a focus on the mechanisms by which emotions influence cognitive processes, behavior, and health, and the global interconnectivity between people and the earth’s energetic systems. Findings from this research have been applied to the development of tools and technology to optimize individual and organizational health, performance, and quality of life.

Rollin has acted as principal investigator in numerous laboratory research studies examining the effects of emotions on heart-brain interactions, and on autonomic, cardiovascular, hormonal, and immune system function. He has also served as principal investigator in a number of field studies, to determine the outcomes of positive emotion-focused interventions and heart-rhythm feedback in diverse organizational and educational settings, as well as in various clinical populations.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

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