Experience Four Sacred Days of Ritual and Ceremony
With One of Our Wisest Indigenous Planetary Elders All to
Powerfully Prepare You for the Birth of a New Humanity

The past 12 months have held great significance, as 2012 has been a threshold of fear and uncertainty as well as love and possibility.

Here at The Shift Network we’ve been committed to helping catalyze a year of great healing, powerful awakening and the dawn of a new era for humanity, which culminates on December 22nd, our Planetary Birth Day event.


Leading up to this, we are offering a powerful opportunity to release the stories and wounds of the past including distortions around the Mayan prophecies of 2012 and move forward into this birth and the New Year with openness, inspiration and hope.

Join Grandmother Flordemayo for these four sacred days, where you can ceremonially mark the end of 2012, celebrate a new era, and experience ancient Mayan rituals to heal your heart, activate your deepest self and help you navigate these prophetic times with grace and ease.

In indigenous wisdom, these four days begin with “The Sacred Dawn” during which we can forgive and release the past.

The second week we “Gather the Net” in which we further release our human entanglements and prepare to move into the New Year in the spirit of “The Celestial Serpent,” the third session devoted to evolving into our highest selves and deepening our spirituality.

We complete the ritual gathering with a day of rejoicing, as we integrate all we have become and give thanks for the blessings of our lives and our world.

Feed Your Soul, Clear Your Mind, Open Your Heart


This is our time to CHOOSE awakening, healing and possibility as we prepare for the shifts ahead of us, and this series will powerfully support you in doing that.

The Mayan Prayer Circle is like a miniature retreat with a planetary elder, offering ways to feed your soul, clear your mind, cleanse your body and open your heart as you step into the New Year, empowered in the shared work of our collective healing.

This series also directly supports a spiritually-guided mission of Grandmother Flordemayo to create a Seed Temple that protects the seeds of food and medicinal plants that are at risk from GMO-crop contamination. Learn more about this important project below.

What You’ll Discover in the Mayan Prayer Circle Sessions

In preparation for these sessions, Grandmother Flordemayo attunes to the collective energy of those present, drawing from the inspiration and guidance of Spirit for each particular time and place. Though there are themes for each meeting, Flordemayo remains open to the direction of Spirit and what you and other participants will need at that time.

Session 1: The Sacred Dawn (Dec. 6)


In this session, Grandmother Flordemayo will lead us in a Mayan-guided meditation of opening the 13 sacred centers for the purpose of healing and blessing our lives and releasing the old. This gathering represents a powerful opportunity to complete 2012 with energetic clarity, making room for a powerful 2013.

In Grandmother Flordemayo’s tradition, this is a potent day for ceremony, for burning incense, and a day that represents the sound of the sacred Quetzal Bird that initiated the new dawn the opportunity of life for this generation of creation.

This is a perfect day for asking the Spirits for forgiveness and blessings, releasing attachment to any errors that we have taken part in, consciously or unconsciously. This day also represents immediate change in one’s life and moving into transformation that is necessary in our destiny.

Session 2: Gathering the Net (Dec. 7)


In this session, Grandmother Flordemayo will take our releasing even deeper and teach us the practice of releasing the entanglements of “the Net” through a sacred bath for the Mother. We will learn to prepare a sacred bath with the intention and purpose of “cleansing ourselves in the elements as we reunite with the Mother Earth.”

“The Net” represents the entanglement of problems that become trapped and held tight on a personal and collective level. This day marks the power to come together in unity (internally and as a group of conscious beings) to affect the things that we need. We ground ourselves in the knowing that our human entanglements come from our own provocations; and it is destiny that puts us on our paths so we can learn from them and move beyond them.

Session 3: The Celestial Serpent (Dec. 14)


In this session, Grandmother Flordemayo will lead us to connect with the divine fire within each of us, an aspect she calls “The Golden Child within.” She will share her vision of the Golden Child for participants stepping into this powerful time in history and will lead a deep meditation to foster your divine connection within.

The Celestial Serpent is the energy from our internal fire that we have at the base of our spinal column, which is related to our ascension and is the mission of all humans. It also represents the spiral motion of Mother Earth and is representative of the plumed serpent and the movement of the Q’uq’kumatz.

Q’uq’kumatz is the Creator and Maker of the universe and is related to human evolution and the unfolding of spirituality. It is the fire within the base of our vertebrae, the life force and the DNA where all genetic information is held, which is the collective memory of humanity. Thousands of years ago, the Mayan Grandfathers said all is in the form of a spiral.

Session 4: Rejoice and Receive (Dec. 15)


In this session, Grandmother Flordemayo will help us integrate all we have taken in on our spiritual journey through life and in the powerful days leading up to the Planetary Birth. She will lead us into our deep hearts as we give thanks for the blessings of our lives and our world.

In this space of abiding gratitude, Grandmother Flordemayo will support us in calling for insight and wisdom which may flow in to guide our way forward with more clarity and purposeful power into 2013 and beyond.

SPECIAL “Birth 2012” BONUS: Grandmother Flordemayo’s “Bringing the Spirit of Shamanism into Your Everyday Life: A 5-Session Mini-Course


This is a unique opportunity for you to receive Grandmother Flordemayo’s heart-based shamanic wisdom and indigenous healing practices that can serve you and our modern-day culture.

In these five sessions, you can discover how to:

  • Embrace your daily work as sacred from paying bills to washing dishes and everything in between
  • Receive greater guidance from your dreams and visionsw5.jpg?02030901
  • Simplify your life and let go of the things that no longer serve your higher purpose
  • Enter into stillness and dialogue with everything around you
  • Connect in a profound way to the rhythms and cycles of nature and gain knowledge of the healing properties of the plant and mineral kingdoms
  • Speak to non-physical beings and draw strength and guidance from their wisdom
  • Renew your hope for our future and understand the unique role you play

PLUS, Enjoy Four Sacred Sound Sessions
With Sound Healer Jason Norris on the Moyo Drums


Each session with Grandmother Flordemayo will include a sacred sound meditation with dream worker and sound healer Jason Norris on the Moyo Drums.

Moyo is the Swahili word for "heart." This beautiful sounding instrument has a unique vibration with a specific frequency that will open your heart and deepen your meditation.

Jason will offer a sound healing prayer-formance in each session to support and empower the deep inner work that Grandmother Flordemayo will be guiding you through.

Jason K. Norris, M.A., is a professional musician, performing artist, sound healer, dream worker, and researcher of consciousness. He is a doctoral student with the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) researching "rhythm psychology" and "sonic mysticism." Jason holds a Master’s degree in Consciousness Studies and a graduate certificate in Dream Studies from John F. Kennedy University (JFKU).

A Word from Flordemayo About the Seed Temple Project


As the Director and Founder of the Institute of Natural and Traditional Knowledge, my main focus has been to establish a place where we could build a “seed vault” to protect heritage seeds.

I was asked by Emigdio Ballon, an accomplished plant geneticist from Cochabamba, Bolivia, to pray for heritage seeds because they are in danger of being lost due to the contamination of genetically modified seeds, which equates to the ultimate threat to our food supply.

Additionally, the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers asked me through The Path to build a seed temple or vault on the land to protect the seeds.

So, the Seed Vault I’ve been led to build will provide a natural temperature-controlled environment that will protect the food, medicinal and flower plant seeds, and The Path will collect and share them.

Each species of seeds will be carefully categorized and sealed in glass jars to keep them viable. The Path will receive their seeds beginning from the local area and eventually from around the world.

In addition to the preparing of the seed temple, we will, at the appropriate time, need to recuperate the seeds through a controlled environment that includes an organic garden in a hepa-filter greenhouse. This step ensures the integrity of the heritage seeds, protecting them from GMO contamination. This process will also require individuals who will administer the Seed Temple so that future generations will be served through the use of the heritage seeds.

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Four 75-minute recorded ritual and prayer sessions with Grandmother Flordemayo

Experience a rare opportunity to spend sacred ritual time with one of our most beloved indigenous elders from the comfort of your own home. Each session offers a powerful opportunity to release the past and create a hope-filled inspiring future.


PDF transcripts of each session

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format for each session. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


Special “Birth 2012” Bonus (a $197 value)

Enjoy a 5-Part Mini-Course of Grandmother Flordemayo’s teachings on “Bringing the Spirit of Shamanism into Your Everyday Life.” With this training, you’ll receive Flordemayo’s heart-based shamanic wisdom and discover indigenous healing practices that can serve you and our modern-day culture.


PLUS, Four Sacred Sound Sessions

Each session with Grandmother Flordemayo includes a sacred sound meditation with dream worker and sound healer Jason Norris on the Moyo Drums. Jason will offer a sound healing prayer-formance in each session to support and empower the deep inner work that Grandmother Flordemayo will be guiding you through.

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE the Sacred Dawn Sessions with Grandmother Flordemayo and feel that it meets your needs, please let us know within 14 days of your purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

About Grandmother Flordemayo


Curandera espiritu (healer by divine spirit) and Mayan priestess Flordemayo is one of the 13 grandmothers of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, a global alliance that teaches ancestral ways of prayer, education and healing.

Flordemayo was born in a small village on the Nicaragua-Honduras border. Her father was a local shaman and her mother was a midwife and healer, whom Flordemayo apprenticed with from the age four. As her own children grew, Flordemayo began to work as a healer.

Today, she uses the sacred breath, laying on of hands, application of herbs, as well as distance healing, with her clients.

Flordemayo has worked with alternative western healers, Native American and Mayan healers. She received her Mayan priest training from Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, a respected spiritual leader and head of the Quiche Maya Council of Elders.

Flordemayo is now recognized as a “priestess” by the Maya. She is a founding member and President of The Institute of Natural and Traditional Knowledge.

Flordemayo has been a featured speaker on “Curanderismo” at many conferences on traditional medicine, both within the United States and internationally. Many alternative healing practitioners, medical doctors, nurses and medical institutions have recognized her knowledge and natural healing skills.

She is a frequent presenter at international conferences such, as the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Bioneers, and is a recipient of the Martin de la Cruz Award for Alternative Healing, a prestigious honor given by the International Congress of Traditional Medicine.

Since 1999, Flordemayo has been a part of the Wisdom of the Grandmother’s Foundation. She is also founding director and on the board of the Institute of Natural and Traditional Knowledge in San Juan, New Mexico.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
