Eileen McKusick
Founder of the Biofield Tuning Institute, Researcher & Author

Eileen McKusick is a pioneer in the fields of the human biofield, therapeutic sound, and electric health. A researcher, author, inventor, educator, speaker, and practitioner, Eileen has researched health since 1987, and specifically how sound impacts health since 1996.
She is the originator of the sound-therapy method Biofield Tuning (with thousands of students trained worldwide since 2010), and founder of the Biofield Tuning Institute, which conducts grant-funded, peer-reviewed, and published research on the human biofield in partnership with other research organizations. 
Eileen is author of two bestselling books... the award-winning Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy... and Electric Body, Electric Health, a groundbreaking look at the electric nature of the human body, emotions, and life itself. 
Eileen is also inventor of the revolutionary sound-healing tool called the Sonic Slider, the creator of a line of tuning forks and accessories, and the CEO of BioSona, LLC, which provides sound therapy tools and training globally. Her work has helped thousands of people around the world overcome chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and other health challenges, enabling them to live more fulfilling and empowered lives. Eileen's work is changing the way we think about health and wellness.

Deeper Tuning for Your Electric Body
Your Electric Body
Cultivate a Healthy Relationship Yourself & Your Body Through Biofield Tuning
Sound Healing Alchemy to Transmute Difficult Emotions
Heal Your Ancestral Lineages Biofield Tunings


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