With Qigong Master, Healer, and Author of The Master Key
Robert Peng

A 7-Module On-Demand Training

Through Xi Breathing and Qigong practices, open your life-force energy, empower your dantians, and actualize your highest potential to live your best life.


Challenging times invite us to slow down...

To appreciate what we have, let go of things that don’t matter, and find joy in life’s simplest moments.

As you shift into a “new normal” do you long to feel more connected with other people, yourself, and the universe?

Thankfully, it’s possible to emerge into a new chapter of life with a renewed zest for life and experience previously untapped levels of joy and inner power! It all starts with opening your energy flow and tapping into your hidden reservoirs of love, wisdom, and vitality.

Join Qigong expert Robert Peng for a new 7-module video course and discover the spiritual abundance that awaits you.

Robert will guide you to reinvigorate your energy flow, clear blockages, and cultivate a sense of wellbeing through Xi Breathing techniques, the 8 Cycles Movement, and other Qigong practices that balance breath, movement, and meditation.

As a boy in China, Robert secretly apprenticed under the legendary Buddhist monk Xiao Yao, who trained him in martial and healing arts. As part of his training, Robert spent 100 days meditating and fasting in a dark underground chamber. Xiao Yao visited him daily and instructed him in advanced practices to accelerate his spiritual development.

Xi Breathing is one of the techniques Robert learned during his 100-day fast. In this new program, he’ll share this life-changing breathing technique with you, step by step.

Xi Breathing enables you to go into deep meditation and activate your three dantians, which are the “Qi focus flow centers” of the body. The lower dantian stimulates your vitality. The middle dantian opens up your loving spirit. And the upper dantian houses your wisdom mind.

Robert will also walk you through the 8 Cycles Movement, a series of gentle exercises anyone can safely practice to energize the body and calm the mind.
Through the repetition of these eight simple movements, you’ll activate your energy centers and massage your internal organs leaving you feeling nourished and invigorated.

As these movements become familiar, they elicit a deep meditative state that transforms into a journey that opens into a vast and newfound realm of joy and light.

Both Xi Breathing and the 8 Cycles Movement are Qigong exercises that help chip away at blockages and reinvigorate the flow of energy. As you learn and practice these exercises, you’ll feel fear, anxiety, and fatigue drift away as you experience renewed vitality and bliss.


In this inspiring new course taught by a Qigong master, you’ll:

  • Activate and align your body’s dantians with powerful chantings
  • Learn how to fuse your body, mind, and wisdom for an integrative Xi Breathing practice
  • Move through Xi Breathing practices to empower your 3 dantians, including their wisdom centers and clear the channels through dynamic breathing
  • Explore how to turn your head and rotate your waist to release the tensions of all the meridians adjusting the automatic system and balancing yin and yang
  • Move through a practice to massage the 5 elements of your body activating your potential healing power while clearing emotional and physical blockages
  • Learn each practice of the 8 Cycles Movement as you move through the course then assemble them into the complete set, The Flow Like Water sequence
  • Work through the 3 Longevity Points to empower your stomach, heart, and kidney energy
  • Experience, Wogu, a practice to protect yourself from ill or invasive Qi
  • Move through BuQiFa, a practice to organize both your own energy pattern and your property’s energy pattern
  • Arrange integrative Feng Shui through your awakened awareness
  • Cultivate your future Qigong practice plan

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Robert will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills you’ll need to discover Qigong and Xi Breathing practices to elevate joy and vitality.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Robert. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to awaken your inner power and liberate the hidden potential of your true self through Xi Breathing and Qigong practices.

Module 1: The Importance of Breathing & Right Movement of Body


The Chinese word Xi means break, or rest. Through a small pause during your breath, you can bathe in the void of consciousness and gain the ability to dive deep into meditation...

... to awaken your inner power and energize your three dantians (energy centers).

In this opening module, Robert will share the many benefits of breathing correctly.

He’ll introduce several types of breathing and explain his signature Xi Breathing practice, how it relates to his life-altering 100-day water fast, and how you can incorporate it into your own Qigong practice.

Robert will also share the foundations of the 8 Cycles Movement, a beautiful series to help your body flow with Qi and guide you through its first movement.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Ocean Whisper, a coherence breathing practice
  • A simple, empowering Xi Breathing technique
  • Nourishing Qi, a passive Qigong sequence
  • The first 8 Cycles Movement, Stroking the Waterfall at Sunrise
  • How to use yin palm and yang palm to collect earth and heaven Qi
  • Ways to use the mixed universal Qi to activate and empower your 3 dantians

Module 2: Qigong Movements & Xi Breathing Empowerment for Your Upper Dantian Wisdom Center


Robert will share the three energy centers of Wisdom, Love, and Vitality.

He’ll discuss the six types of energy structures, including the suffering that can come with each type.

Then, as he leads you through a Xi Breathing practice to empower your upper dantian wisdom center, you’ll learn to make the wisdom center void and fully open to your awareness.

You’ll discover how to empower the universal Qi so your decisions are blessed by the universe.

Robert will also share how to experience harmony through the central meridian the energy channel that brings your awareness and body together with the center of the universe.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Aung, a chant to activate the upper dantian
  • A Xi Breathing practice to empower your upper dantian wisdom center and clear the channels through dynamic breathing
  • The second 8 Cycles Movement, Opening the Heart and Embracing the Day as you’ll discover, this cycle involves opening your hands’ and arms’ yin and yang meridians... to feel the pulse of your Qi and place yourself in the cradle of the universal loving Qi
  • The third 8 Cycles Movement, Dancing With the Universe, to regulate your central meridian to make you the center of the universe
  • How to turn your head and rotate your waist to release the tensions of all the meridians and adjust the automatic system, balancing yin and yang

Module 3: Qigong Movements & Xi Breathing Empowerment for Your Middle Dantian Loving Center


Robert will walk you through the middle dantian, your loving center.

You’ll learn practices to extend the loving center and empower the energy you’ll find there...

He’ll share a Xi Breathing practice to empower your middle dantian and universal Qi so the universe blesses the love in your life.

You’ll discover how to become a calmer, more peaceful person with a more compassionate heart someone who gives and receives love with ease.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Ahhh, a chant to activate the middle dantian
  • A dynamic Xi Breathing practice to empower the middle dantian clearing the channels and making your loving center fully open to your awareness
  • How to rock back and forth during the fourth 8 Cycles Movement, Turning the Wheel of Heaven to open your heart and kidneys, move the big joints of your body, and cultivate energy for longevity
  • How to massage the 5 elements of your body with Qi throughout the fifth 8 Cycles Movement, Stirring the 5 Elements to activate your potential healing power and clear emotional and physical blockages

Module 4: Qigong Movements & Xi Breathing Empowerment for Your Lower Dantian Vitality Center


Robert will walk you through the lower dantian, your vitality center.

You’ll learn how to use your lower dantian to balance and center your emotions...

Robert will guide you to explore the extension of your vitality center and show you how to empower it to make yourself strong, charismatic, and firm with strong will.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Hong, a chant to activate the lower dantian
  • A dynamic Xi Breathing practice to empower your lower dantian and universal Qi so your actions are blessed by the universe
  • How to create a Qi field between your palms with the sixth 8 Cycles Movement, Playing the Tai Chi Ball this cycle allows your body, mind, and spirit to drift in a harmonious way, helping you feel nurtured

Module 5: Qigong Movements & Xi Breathing Empowerment for Central Meridian Harmony Center


During this class, Robert will walk you through the power of the central meridian...

As you’ll discover, your central meridian is your harmony center. It connects you to universal energy, resourcefulness, and abundant energy.

You’ll also receive a practice to empower your central meridian and universal Qi, so the universe will bless your life in its entirety...

In this module, you’ll move through:

  • Aung-Ahh-Hong, a practice to resonate and activate your awareness of the whole body and mind
  • A Xi Breathing practice to empower your central meridian and clear your channels through dynamic breathing, making this center fully open to your awareness
  • The seventh 8 Cycles Movement, Rising Mist and Flowing Water, which works on your Sanjiao, the fascia that connects every part of ourselves so we all act in one organic piece
  • The eighth 8 Cycles Movement, Touching Heaven and Earth, to balance the yin-yang of your own body and extensively balance the yin-yang with heaven and earth

Module 6: Qigong Movements & Xi Breathing Empowerment for Your Life


When water flows freely, it’s pure and clean like a mountain stream. You can drink this water safely. It’s rich in minerals and tastes delicious. But if you blocked the flow and this same water stagnated, it would become murky and attract disease.

Similarly, when Qi flows smoothly through our bodies, our internal organs absorb this radiant force and they feel nourished and satisfied. When our internal organs are happy, we feel great.

In this module, you can experience this sensation as you move through all practices of the 8 Cycles Movement in the Flow Like Water sequence...

You’ll also learn to become auniversal person rather than someone trapped in a finite location.

Robert will share how your lifespan and quality of Qi is energetically determined by your stomach, heart, and kidney.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to make your life blessed with universal Qi
  • How to fuse your body, mind, and wisdom for an integrative Xi Breathing practice
  • The Flow Like Water sequence, the complete set of the 8 Cycles Movement
  • How to work through the 3 Longevity Points to empower your stomach, heart, and kidney energy

Module 7: Awakening Your Awareness


In your final module, Robert will explain how to, through practice, awaken your awareness and upgrade your life.

You’ll discover how these practices can connect you more deeply with universal Qi.

Robert will guide you to arrange and personalize the practice you’ve learned during these seven weeks.

In this closing module, you’ll explore:

  • How to awaken with a Taste of the Awareness meditation
  • Wogu, a practice to protect yourself from ill or invasive Qi
  • BuQiFa, a practice to organize both your own energy pattern and your property’s energy pattern
  • Ways to arrange integrative Feng Shui through your awakened awareness
  • How to cultivate your future practice plan

The Qigong & Xi Breathing Bonus Collection

In addition to Robert’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful bonuses to complement your journey and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Scooping Universal Qi
Video Practice From Master Robert Peng

Ready to connect your energy with universal Qi in a quick and simple 8-minute practice? Follow along with Robert in this guided movement to empower yourself with wisdom, love, and vitality the qualities of the upper dantian, middle dantian, and lower dantian. As your central channel shoots up into the sky and deep down into the earth, you’ll soak in an ocean of Qi. You’ll want to do this practice daily to infuse every tiny particle of yourself with joy and love!


The Path of Mastery: Key Influences That Shaped Qigong Master Robert Peng’s Life
Video Dialogue With Master Robert Peng and Daisy Lee

In this intimate interview with Daisy Lee, founder of Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong, Robert shares how he transformed from a sick young boy with a rare heart condition into a martial arts fighter who beat up three neighborhood bullies after being attacked. Then, inspired by his teacher, a legendary monk working as a boiler room attendant at a VIP hotel during the Cultural Revolution, Robert decided he would rather heal than fight, and followed the destiny his teacher envisioned for him one that led him to bring ancient Chinese healing Qigong to Australia, America, and beyond.


Song Kong Tong Pecking Therapy & Meditation
Video Practice From Master Robert Peng

Dissipate the energetic charge around emotional issues as you move through this dynamic practice excerpt from one of Robert’s live workshops. He shares methods to help you relax, open to divine energy, and embody divine energy. You’ll discover how to defuse the charge of an issue or event that doesn’t serve you and then reorganize it into a perfect, compassionate pattern.


What People Are Saying About Robert Peng...


Nancy Gardner: “The Word ‘Bliss’ Comes to Mind”

David Salitrynski: “The Rock Actually Weighed 607 Pounds!”

Elaine Thomas: “I Could Feel the Sincerity, the Kindness, and a Grounded Enthusiasm From Robert”

Ellen Petersen: “My Qigong Practice Has Deepened and My Life Has Benefited Profoundly”

Strider Clark: “Robert Is a Rare Treasure of Chinese Culture and Qigong”

Thomas Garbarino: “Robert’s Vibration Will Bring You Into a Place That Is Already Healing”

Patty de Llosa: “Robert's Work Evokes a Tremendous Physical Vitality”

Nadiya Nottingham: “I Highly Recommend This Man Who Will See Your Gifts and Help You Channel Them”

Alan Nasypany: “It Was Like the Heavens Opened Up and God Poured Out”

“A dozen happy years have I embraced since Robert first healed my body and spirit with his extraordinary gift.”

A dozen happy years have I embraced since Robert first healed my body and spirit with his extraordinary gift. Ancient teachings rise up through him in his workshops, pointing us all to the empowering path of self-healing.
Blake Foster, filmmaker

“My understanding of Eastern medicine has grown immensely since studying with Robert.”

My understanding of Eastern medicine has grown immensely since studying with Robert. I will be able to share this knowledge in my work with cancer patients.
Shelley Lynne Cummins, yoga and meditation instructor

“Robert Peng is one of those rare individuals whose light shines just by being present.”

Robert Peng is one of those rare individuals whose light shines just by being present. His teaching is inspiring and highly effective. Since 2006, Robert has been a member of our faculty at Fellowships of the Spirit, where he developed a devoted following of Qigong students and highly trained Qigong healers who are carrying his work throughout the world.
Rev. Elaine D. Thomas, MS, director of the School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy at Fellowships of the Spirit

“Robert’s teaching is very clear, comprehensive, and systematic...”

Robert’s teaching is very clear, comprehensive, and systematic and his classes are enlivened by his great sense of humor and joy. Most importantly, he understands American culture, which is crucial for transmitting deep knowledge from ancient masters [to the West].
Richard P. Brown, MD, author of The Healing Power of the Breath

“It has to be experienced to be believed.”

Robert is capable of transferring Qi energy via his fingertips. This is a truly exceptional talent. It has to be experienced to be believed. As a student, I shifted my complete personal reality when I shattered a granite block with one flick of my hand. I went on to break a heavy-duty chopstick against the base of my throat, the most vulnerable part of the human body, without harm.
Sandra Fayer, past-life regression therapist

“... have more vitality in my day-to-day life.”

Before I [attended Robert’s 5-day workshop], I was going through a period where I felt a lot of fatigue, I would get sick quite easily, and I just felt like the energy just wasn't flowing as naturally and as much as it should be through my body. Qigong has been an extremely important piece for me to begin to change that. And now I've started to begin to feel more connected to my heart, building a deeper relationship with this energy, being able to have more vitality in my day-to-day life. I'm just very grateful for this practice, very grateful for this teaching, and specifically the way that Robert teaches it. The depth of knowledge that he has is important and inspiring for me. And what's been most humbling actually is just the sense of service that he has that he carries with this tradition and the humility that both him and his wife have in the practice.
Eric Yang, founder and Executive Director of Junto Social Media

“I recommend Master Peng to anyone interested in health and longevity.”

Robert’s extraordinary teaching and training methods in this ancient art and wisdom tradition have not only given me more vitality and joy, it has been a blessing in another area of my life that was not expected. As an avid lifetime golfer and golf instructor, I now find I’m playing the game with a body that feels 20 years younger. I recommend Master Peng to anyone interested in health and longevity.
Ned Koelliker, golf instructor


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Robert Peng

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Robert Peng Qigong master, healer, and author of The Master Key from the comfort of your own home. Each class module includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to open your life-force energy, empower your dantians, and actualize your highest potential to live your best life.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Modules

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between modules, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Qigong & Xi Breathing Bonus Collection
  • Scooping Universal Qi
    Video Practice From Master Robert Peng
  • The Path of Mastery: Key Influences That Shaped Qigong Master Robert Peng’s Life
    Video Dialogue With Master Robert Peng and Daisy Lee
  • Song Kong Tong Pecking Therapy & Meditation
    Video Practice From Master Robert Peng

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Awaken Your Inner Power Through Qigong & Xi Breathing Online Training


We feel honored that Robert Peng has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a Qigong master, healer, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about opening your life-force energy, empowering your dantians, and actualizing your highest potential to live your best life, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Awaken Your Inner Power Through Qigong & Xi Breathing or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form within 2 weeks of your purchase and we'll happily issue you a refund.


More Praise for Robert Peng...

“His... teaching expands our understanding of what is possible...”

Robert Peng’s compelling life story illuminates a vast inner world. His clear and incisive teaching expands our understanding of what is possible, and his healing energy is truly remarkable. Robert's work is a great blessing.
Seane Corn, yogini and founder of Off the Mat and Into the World

“Robert Peng’s extraordinary abilities as a Qigong master are a gift to all...”

Robert Peng’s extraordinary abilities as a Qigong master are a gift to all and his story is a miraculous journey into uncharted territory. Through his teachings, we too can learn to tap into our spiritual reservoirs and find our unique path to happiness.
Florence Comite, MD, associate professor at Yale School of Medicine, author of Keep It Up

“Master Robert Peng is a true demonstration of Qigong spirit in his healing power, abundant creativity, and clear virtue.”

Master Robert Peng is a true demonstration of Qigong spirit in his healing power, abundant creativity, and clear virtue. I am grateful to be his colleague and friend on this path of shared vision and service.
Master Mingtong Gu, Wisdom Healing Qigong

“... he does something more important than heal, he teaches you to heal yourself.”

Robert’s Qi helped save my life. But he does something more important than heal, he teaches you to heal yourself. I am very fortunate to have found him.
Sally Jessy Raphael, talk show host

“... discover how your own life can be energized, healed and empowered.”

I was privileged to bring Robert Peng from China. It's been a thrill to see how this amazing man, with his mastery of Qigong, which I could barely believe when I first saw it, in Hainan, has changed the lives of so many. Read his remarkable book and discover how your own life can be energized, healed and empowered.
(The Honorable) Robert J. Hawke, Prime Minister of Australia, 1983-91

“The most amazing feeling I ever received from another human.”

Wow! The most amazing feeling I ever received from another human. Robert is God sent. Thank you! Thank you!
Khaliah Ali, daughter of Muhammad Ali


About Robert Peng

Robert Peng, a world-renowned Qigong Master and healer, was born and raised in Hunan, China. At age eight, he began an intensive apprenticeship under the close guidance of the legendary monk Xiao Yao, an enlightened master known for his profound healing ability and martial arts skill. At age 15, Robert endured a 100-day water fast in a small dark room at a secluded monastery in the remote mountains of Hunan province, which initiated a radical spiritual transformation and awakened amazing healing powers.

After pursuing his training quietly while attending university in Changsha, he began to teach publicly at 29, and within five years had trained over 150,000 students all over China, Australia, and the U.S.

With his deep understanding and practice of Qigong, and with extensive life and teaching experience in the Western world, Robert has developed a unique way to teach Qigong that people from different cultures can easily understand and follow while enjoying the real essence of this ancient Chinese healing art of wisdom, love, and vitality.

Robert is the author of The Master Key: Qigong Secrets for Vitality, Love, and Wisdom, and the DVD/CD companion series, The Master Key. He has been a regular presenter at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Esalen Institute, Integrative Health Symposium, and many other organizations and schools.

Together with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Pema Chödrön, Robert was honored as one of Spirituality & Health magazine’s Top 10 Spiritual Heroes of 2013 for his contribution to transform the ancient Chinese healing art of Qigong into one of today’s fastest-growing holistic practices.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

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