From Energy-Medicine Healer & Medium
Marie Manuchehri

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training

Activate your senses and medical-intuitive skills with a guided journey through the layers of your auric field that unlocks the incredible power of your emotions to spark accelerated manifestation and healing... and immediately change the trajectory of your life.

How fast is your frequency?

How you answer this question will not only determine how quickly you can manifest your intentions, but how fast and effectively you’re able to heal... and help others heal, too.

If you’re like most, your frequency, also known as the speed of your energy, is too often dependent on the state of the world outside of you. This means that when the world seems overwhelming, uncertain, or downright frightening, your frequency lowers to resonate with or match that state...

... decreasing your energy, lowering your immunity, and increasing the probability of being on the receiving end of chronic medical conditions or dis-ease.

To be an effective energy-medicine healer, however, requires a consistently high frequency. Or as RN, energy medicine healer, and clairvoyant Marie Manuchehri teaches, your consciousness, or dominant emotional state, needs to be higher than the medical condition or dis-ease that you’re trying to heal!

The good news? She has streamlined a process to quickly and effectively help you expand your consciousness and increase your frequency... permanently.

Marie discovered her medical intuition and mediumship skills while working as an oncology nurse, and has since helped thousands around the world positively transform their health by teaching them how to expand their consciousness and heighten their intuition, manifestation, and healing.

She believes that your frequency is the deciding factor on how effectively you’re able to remove unhealthy and stagnant energy from yourself and others to promote long-term healing.

During her immersive 7-module course, you'll be guided through the layers of your auric field, or your entire energy field, including your body and chakras, to discover a spectrum of emotions and multisensory tools and their hidden doorways that can be leveraged to immediately raise your frequency.

You’ll begin by accessing the portal within you that governs your entire wellbeing in all facets of your life... to become the gatekeeper to your authentic emotional response system the true regulator of your health and power source of your entire being.

You’ll be amazed by how simply dedicating yourself to receiving the higher frequency emotions of your own being can help you easily and effectively expand your consciousness, initiate your capacity to heal and help others heal... and unlock the door to your authentic self, your manifesting power, and the latent gifts within you.

As you begin to master your energetic frequency by working with the powerful energy centers within your auric field to positively impact your physiology, your ability to receive actionable medical-intuitive information will dramatically increase.

As your frequency increases, you’ll naturally move beyond living life from the outside in... to a life of empowered inner knowing. You’ll scan the landscapes of your body to discover how energy flow and coherence determines wellness and illness, and you’ll begin to override the fear-based trappings of the logical mind with the higher healing and insights of the pure emotional intelligence that permeates your body’s systems.

Are you ready to expand your consciousness and ignite your medical-intuitive abilities for heightened health and manifestation, and accelerated healing?

Embark on this transformational journey through the layers of your auric field and your body’s energy systems to discover how your purest emotions can raise your frequency permanently.

During this transformational journey, you’ll:

  • Discover your unique energetic frequency and how it governs your overall wellbeing and life
  • Access the portal within you that governs your entire wellbeing and your capacity for joy in all facets of your life
  • Experience how the layers of your auric field intersect with your body systems to share and receive energy and information
  • Learn how the root cause for illness within your body signifies a disconnect with a system’s emotional counterpart
  • Reclaim your resonance by opening the hidden doors within your energy systems and physiology that contain higher insights and knowledge
  • Experience a practice for connecting with the nonphysical beings of light who are ready to assist with healing
  • Expand your capacity to receive intuitive information using multisensory tools that bypass mind-made emotions
  • Discover how speaking your truth or expressing yourself aligns you with the present moment and your natural gifts and talents
  • Explore the catalyzing power of each chakra’s emotional frequency unveiling and activating its latent intuitive and multisensory gifts
  • Master a powerful technique for bypassing the logical mind that flushes the raw potential of that energy to the rest of your body activating your authentic emotions
  • Access the power of the present moment by harnessing the ability your frequency has to determine how you experience time
  • Discover how intellect and consciousness are two entirely different things
  • Explore how your first and seventh chakras work together to create the highest consciousness you’re able to receive and anchor into your being at any given moment
  • Open to the art of allowing and its wellspring of abundance by learning to let go of “the need to know”

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, you'll be guided through the fundamental skills you’ll need to successfully activate your senses and intuition with a guided journey through your auric field that unlocks the incredible power of your emotions to spark accelerated manifestation and healing.

The Beauty of On-Demand

This course features step-by-step teachings and experiential practices from Marie. Each session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to raise your vibration permanently and become the gatekeeper to your authentic emotional response system the power source of your entire being. Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content, allowing you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.

Module 1: Medical Insight Is the Opposite of Mental Thinking

How does the universe experience health and healing?

During this opening session, you’ll discover how your medical-intuitive abilities are intrinsically tied to your perceptions of health and healing... and your ability to let go of any biases.

Authentic intuitive insights always arrive in the moment and cannot be translated by the logical mind, which gets its information from the past and accurately pre-perceived future. As such, the first step in letting go, and activating your unique intuitive capacity, entails learning how to rest your energy in the present moment.

Settling into the present moment also opens a corridor to your authentic emotional response system within the second layer of your auric field, the originator of intuitive insights and governing energy of your entire wellbeing.

Through this heightened awareness, you’ll learn how to move energy throughout your body, or assist another to move energy throughout their body, at a speed that promotes healing.

During this first module, you’ll discover:

  • How the first layer of the auric field is constantly reflecting perfect health
  • How the brain was actually designed to focus on the present moment, rather than analyzing and processing the past or the future
  • A powerful technique for bypassing the logical mind that flushes the raw potential of that energy to the rest of your body activating your authentic emotions
  • The emotional counterpart of the first chakra and how it informs your openness to life and your ability to be here now
  • A practice for assessing the wellbeing of the first chakra

Module 2: Feeling & Moving Energy Within Your Body

Everything in the universe is made up of subatomic particles from the computer you’re sitting in front of right now to the enzymes in your liver.

There is nothing in existence that isn’t formed from energy. Harnessing this raw, magnificent power requires movement... not only to ensure that higher consciousness and healing frequencies are flowing unimpeded, but to release stagnant, low-vibration energy.

Stagnant energy lacks vitality, lowers your vibration, and adds very little value to your body’s ability to regenerate and heal.

You’ll learn how mastering your authentic emotions and directing energy flow stimulates subatomic particles to keep them flowing, allowing for better health through less stagnation.

During this eye-opening second session, you’ll explore:

  • How each chakra governs a specific body system and powerful emotions
  • Where the mother of all emotions resides and how to activate and resonate with it
  • The enormous power your second chakra has on regulating major life aspects and events such as your career, relationships, money, and creativity
  • How the root cause for illness within your body signifies a disconnect with a system’s emotional counterpart
  • A practice for assessing the health and wellbeing of the second chakra

Module 3: Managing Your Mind to Promote Healing

The brain is a powerful organ, capable of helping you accomplish all that you desire. It is not, however, the place where all knowledge resides.

You’ll explore the third layer of your auric field, often referred to as the mental plane, to discover the true frequency of your mind and how it works with or more often overrides the third chakra’s governing emotion.

Your brain was created to assist you in the present moment not to analyze the past or process a hypothetical future, which typically includes fearful thoughts or anxiety. By repatterning the brain for positive thinking and emotional coherence with its emotional counterpart, you can amplify the brain’s natural ability to ground you in the present moment.

In doing so, you’ll not only expand your consciousness, but create new inroads to your own latent gifts and intuitive powers that reside within your energy system particularly within the second and fifth layers of your auric field. 

During the third session, you’ll discover:

  • The emotional counterpart of the third chakra and its governing power
  • How negative feelings and thoughts about oneself can create imbalance and dis-ease
  • A great technique to distract the brain from over-analyzing throughout your day using positive “what if” questions
  • How treating your brain like a dog instead of a cat repatterns your third chakra through positive reinforcement
  • An easy practice that harnesses the power of curiosity to assess the health of your third chakra

Module 4: Receiving Energy as Medical Insight for Healing

Receiving is medicine. The act of receiving, similarly to giving, keeps your energy flowing throughout your being.

You’ll explore the art of receiving... and how intuitive insights and your ability to manifest your deepest desires out into the world are heightened by your willingness to receive higher heart vibrations in the fourth chakra.

The heart chakra, on the fourth level of the auric field, has a governing emotion that reverberates as anexceptionally high vibration. A hidden doorway in the back of your heart chakra leads to the highest receptivity vortex in the human body...

... that can either facilitate intrusive low vibrations or higher heart frequencies and insights. This is particularly important for empaths who often feel they’re at the mercy of others’ emotions.

During this module’s journey through your auric fields, you’ll explore:

  • How to receive energy into the back of the heart chakra to manifest anything you wish
  • The emotional counterpart of the fourth chakra and how its door of receptivity can either facilitate intrusive low vibrations or higher heart frequencies and insights
  • Why empaths should learn to rest in their lower chakras, avoiding the heart chakra, until they learn the art of neutrality and self-compassion
  • The overall wellbeing of the fourth chakra specifically assessing repressed grief or anger
  • The benefits of asking intuitive questions while resting your energy in the lower half of the body

Module 5: Medical Insight Is Speaking Truth

Truth comes from your higher self, the largest part of your soul that mostly lives outside of your body, and has shared energy with the fifth chakra and fifth layer of the auric field. 

When in alignment with your higher self, you will likely have moments of medical-intuitive insight that may seem ridiculous or untrue... but it’s really your body that’s speaking truth to you. It knows what it needs to heal.

You’ll discover the role of authenticity in raising your vibration and unleashing your intuitive gifts... and how the body longs to speak to all who will listen, providing opportunities for self-healing and for helping others heal, too.

The fifth chakra and the fifth layer of your auric field also govern your upper GI tract, mouth, teeth, gums, thyroid, and cervical vertebrae... and your destiny.

As you’ll see, your divine plan is constantly reflected here as an etheric template that embeds the natural gifts and talents that you entered the world with.

During the fifth session, you’ll explore:

  • How speaking your truth or expressing yourself aligns you with the present moment and your natural gifts and talents
  • The role of authenticity in raising your vibration and unleashing your intuitive gifts
  • How the governing emotion of the fifth chakra can be harnessed to reharmonize various systems of your body and prevent numerous physiological imbalances
  • The medication that’s most frequently prescribed in the US and why
  • A creative exercise for visualizing the fifth layer of an auric field

Module 6: The Third Eye Is the Projector of Original Insight

Many people think that intuition, medical or otherwise, arises from the Third Eye. Yet your Third Eye, sitting in your brain, acts only as a TV or a transmitter of the awareness that’s emerging from the second layer of your auric field.

The Third Eye governs the brain and all your senses, including your ability to understand, interact, and receive multisensory insights.

During the sixth session, you’ll gain a greater understanding of the hidden power of your Third Eye... and how fear-based thinking stifles its capacity for higher consciousness and the intuitive insights that it offers.

As you begin to experience what the emotional frequency of your Third Eye feels like, you’ll make quite a leap in raising your vibration as you access the higher power of your brain to neutralize emotions, creating a sense of enduring calm and curiosity.

During the sixth module, you’ll:

  • Experience the true nature of intuition how it’s never communicated through fear, worry, or doubt
  • Discover how your body really only responds to high-vibrational energy everything else is a brain-based illusion
  • Explore the emotional counterpart of the sixth chakra and how it works with the brain to neutralize emotions
  • Learn how true insight happens spontaneously in the present moment
  • Scan the body to discover a natural “glow”

Module 7: The Seventh Chakra Can Extend Miles Into the Earth Atmosphere

The first and seventh chakras meet right above and below the solar plexus, or the third chakra the first energetically anchors deep into the Earth where it pulls this vital energy into the body, and the seventh reaches infinitely into space as a conduit for higher information and insights.

During the final module of your journey through the auric fields of your being, you’ll intimately explore how these two chakras work together to create the highest consciousness you’re able to receive and anchor into your being at any given moment...

... including your capacity to connect with and receive higher knowledge and insights from helpful, nonphysical light beings.

Your guides and departed loved ones are fully aware of not only the quality of your health, but where you are on the journey to raise your vibration... and are eager to help you activate and unleash the higher frequency emotions that can spark accelerated manifestation and healing... for yourself and others.

Unity between the first and seventh chakras is a powerful connecting force and portal for ushering higher consciousness into every layer of your auric field.

During this final jaunt through the auric fields of your body, you’ll discover:

  • How your first and seventh chakras work together to create the highest consciousness you’re able to receive and anchor into your being at any given moment
  • How allowing huge amounts of light into your body from the crown can facilitate quick and enormous healing opportunities
  • The emotional counterpart to the seventh chakra and how it instills a sense of belonging and wholeness
  • Why having a spiritual practice leads to a healthier relationship with your intuition, and thereby, wellness
  • A practice for connecting with the nonphysical beings of light who are ready to assist with healing

The Expand Your Consciousness & Ignite Multisensory Wellbeing Bonus Collection

In addition to Marie’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Dancing With Your Aura
Video Teaching From Marie Manuchehri

There is a mass of energy that surrounds your body like an eggshell. This powerful, enormous body of light is meant to be organized, each layer of the aura containing distinct boundaries in each of its fields. Stretching three city blocks, its dynamic colors, structure, and language make up your aura and provide intense opportunities to evolve consciousness through its connection to your past lives.

Self Hypnosis Meditation
Audio Recording From Marie Manuchehri

Surrender to your higher self by allowing your subconscious mind to update your perception of who you are and what you truly deserve. This profound self-hypnosis meditation will help you align your natural intuitive abilities with progressive healing solutions... and identify the difference between unhealthy mind-made emotions and the pure positive emotions that are always available to you.

Toning: A Powerful Way to Increase the Vibration of Energy
Audio Recording From Marie Manuchehri

Energy responds to vibration to move its particles. Vibration can be affected by thoughts, words, feelings, and sound. During this audio recording by Marie, you will learn how to use your own voice to positively affect the vibration of your energy system and others.

What People Are Saying About Marie Manuchehri...

Kara Nellor: “Marie’s Classes Give You All the Tools and Information You Need to Be Successful”

Karen Crawford: “Marie Manuchehri Takes You On This Amazing Journey of Learning How to Tap Into Your Intuition”

“[She’s] an inspiration!”
[Marie] puts her work out into the world in such a clear and loving way! I just finished her book (read it in one night!) and have listened to all of her radio podcasts. She is one of the only role models I’ve encountered who seems to fluidly combine a Western medical background with energy medicine. [She’s] an inspiration!
Tara L.

“Her energy is uplifting and it makes you feel like you can conquer the world.”

I left our session feeling like I got really good advice and I had a new lease on life. I feel grateful to Marie for her radio show and now for the YouTube videos she’s making. There is so much helpful information she’s sharing. Her energy is uplifting and it makes you feel like you can conquer the world. Much gratitude and thanks!!!
Melinda S., client

“... after the first session I was on a supercharged vibrational high...”

I love the webinar on wealth, and after the first session I was on a supercharged vibrational high for about 24 hours. Also, since I discovered that your podcast has a similar effect on my energy, I actually use it as a vibration/mood lifter when I feel negative or down. Energy medicine, indeed! I’m so excited about the exercises and my impending wealth.
Michelle W.

“Marie is extraordinarily gifted both as a teacher and as a medical intuitive.”

Marie is extraordinarily gifted both as a teacher and as a medical intuitive. In teaching, she brings all her powers of intuition to set a perfect pace for the students and to offer helpful individualized encouragement and attention as needed. I look forward to taking more classes with Marie!
L.S., client

“I feel like I’ve been looking for this information all of my life.”

This Energy Medicine class is FREAKING AMAZING! The teachings are mind-blowing and so comforting. I feel like I’ve been looking for this information all of my life. So exciting!
Joan S.

“Marie joyfully led each workshop with kindness and compassion, teaching us and helping each of us get to the heart of the matter...”

I had the great pleasure of attending Marie Manuchehri’s retreat in Greece. Marie joyfully led each workshop with kindness and compassion, teaching us and helping each of us get to the heart of the matter throughout the week, as only Marie can do. The retreat was a magical, one-of-a-kind experience that’s hard to fully describe in words.
Denise A.

“Marie, you are a powerfully positive teacher and guide, and I so look forward to taking more classes with you in the future!!”

Thank you, Marie, for teaching Receiving the Energy of Money. I find your teachings incredibly helpful in learning how to raise and maintain my higher vibration. After taking part in this two-part class, I’m receiving so much more in life intuitively and through physical manifestations as well. During this two-week class, I’ve noticed great shifts and upleveling for myself. I’m receiving clear and precise messages from my spirit guides and have noticed a heightened sensitivity to energy as well. Marie, you are a powerfully positive teacher and guide, and I so look forward to taking more classes with you in the future!!
Rachael C.

“Each class session is a gem of radical joy!”

To be taught by a foremost expert in energy medicine is one thing, but then to learn in the most poetic, mind-blowing, yet accessible manner is the cherry on top! Marie first taught tools to help me honor and love my authentic self as an empath so I can intuitively read my clients’ entire energy systems down to the cellular level. Each class session is a gem of radical joy!
Machi Tantillo, energy-healing coaching student

“She clearly loves her work, and it shows in her passion and commitment to sharing what she knows.”

As a teacher, I find Marie to be insightful, direct, and supportive. She clearly loves her work, and it shows in her passion and commitment to sharing what she knows. Her teaching is filled with techniques and insights that allow the student to develop their own skills to their own level of commitment.
Elizabeth K., energy-healing-coaching student

“If you’re interested in learning new practices that will transform your life, I highly recommend Marie!”

I have taken two courses with Marie. Her courses are a perfect combination of relevant, manageable coursework, lectures, lots of opportunity for questions and discussion, and finally practice breakout sessions to put all the pieces together. Her classes attract compassionate students from every level in their personal journey from novices like me to healing practitioners. The class seems to meet you where you are on your own spiritual path. If you’re interested in learning new practices that will transform your life, I highly recommend Marie!
Sister B.

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven Pre-Recorded 90-Minute Modules

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from energy-medicine healer and medium Marie Manuchehri from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes a streaming video and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to expand your consciousness, ignite multisensory wellbeing, repattern your energy, and reshape your life with medical intuition.

Seven Transcripts of Modules

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive session transcriptions. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Expand Your Consciousness & Ignite Multisensory Wellbeing Bonus Collection
  • Dancing With Your Aura
    Video Teaching From Marie Manuchehri
  • Self Hypnosis Meditation
    Audio Recording From Marie Manuchehri
  • Toning: A Powerful Way to Increase the Vibration of Energy
    Audio Recording From Marie Manuchehri

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Expand Your Consciousness & Ignite Multisensory Wellbeing With Medical Intuition Online Training

We feel honored that Marie Manuchehri has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an energy-medicine healer and medium whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about activating your medical-intuitive skills to unlock the incredible power of your emotions, spark accelerated healing, and change the trajectory of your life, then you owe it to yourself to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Expand Your Consciousness & Ignite Multisensory Wellbeing or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Marie Manuchehri...

“Marie has been a gift in my life, guiding me to discover my true soul and helping me conquer past pains...”

Marie has been a gift in my life, guiding me to discover my true soul and helping me conquer past pains through changing my energy vibration. Her classes are outstanding! Marie has a nurturing presence and is a great guide in this process called liſe.
Mary Ellen H., intuitive life navigator

“Through her energy work and seminars, I am healthier, happier, and have a greater understanding of the other side.”

Marie has a wonderful gift of helping us realize our own individual spiritual nature and connection to our source. Through her energy work and seminars, I am healthier, happier, and have a greater understanding of the other side. She has also helped me understand my path and potential.
Dr. Ann Marie Griff, optometrist

“Her classes are very informative, interesting, intuitive, but most importantly, FUN.”

Marie is one of the best Intuitives I have come across in my past decade of energy healing practice. What I love about Marie’s classes is her honesty about what she’s aware of and how generous she is sharing her experiences. She is so personable and precise in her classes, distance sessions, and radio show. I felt completely at ease while asking her questions about topics covered in class. And at the end of her 12-week course, I felt like I had an extended family. Marie’s so gifted. To access insight from the other side and explain her insight with love, light, and kindness is brilliant. Her classes are very informative, interesting, intuitive, but most importantly, FUN.
Jaime Todd, Lake Stevens Energy Healing, owner

“... she offered me profound spiritual insights that helped me understand what needed to be changed.”

When I first saw Marie, I was feeling frustrated and stuck, unable to create the life I truly wanted. Right away she offered me profound spiritual insights that helped me understand what needed to be changed. She also taught me skills that I could use every day to help me attract the love, success, creativity, and joy I desired. She is a giſted teacher and healer. Seeing Marie has vastly improved my life.
Gail H., author

“Marie truly wants to share her learning with others on behalf of their personal growth and the planet’s evolution.”

Through the many courses I’ve taken with Marie, I have grown in spirit and expanded my abilities to intuit and heal. Her approach is filled with joy, love, expertise, and generosity. Marie truly wants to share her learning with others on behalf of their personal growth and the planet’s evolution. Though seemingly simple, her teaching is quietly deep, meaning my learning continues to grow long after the course.
Karyn Lazarus, animal intuitive and healer

About Marie Manuchehri

Marie Manuchehri, RN, is an energy medicine healer who bridges the gap between conventional and holistic medicine. She was raised in a family that valued preventive medicine, but it was during her work as an oncology nurse that she discovered and developed her skills as an energy medicine practitioner. The hospital turned out to be the ideal place to understand the energetic relationship between health and disease.

A self-taught healer, Marie learned to connect conventional medicine’s understanding of disease, as it was described in a patient’s chart, to what she could intuitively understand about a patient’s condition related to his or her energy system. She learned to identify the stagnant energy of disease and move it out of the body, making room for healthier energy to move in and work its healing magic. During this time, Marie discovered she was a medium, with the ability to connect with those living on the other side. She uses her talents as an energy medicine practitioner and medium to help people heal their wounds and expand their consciousness.

Marie’s private practice includes thousands of clients from across the world. She has a weekly radio show called Where Energy and Medicine Meet, is the author of Intuitive Self-Healing, and has a CD series called How to Communicate with Your Spirit Guides.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How long will I have access to my Course Homepage and materials?
A: Your purchase includes 24/7 ongoing access to your course content online via your Homepage unless refunded or otherwise specified. We currently don't have an expiration date for our online materials. This will allow you time to review the materials at your own pace and integration.

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Expand Your Consciousness & Ignite Multisensory Wellbeing
Marie Manuchehri, RN