With Afro-Indigenous Medical Intuitive, Healer & Author
Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest

New 18-Session Live Video Training Starts
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Develop your mediumship specifically for medical purposes in this comprehensive training for medical intuitives, mediums, healers, and healthcare practitioners  and explore medical mediumship and mysticism within Indigenous and global ancestral healing traditions.


Dr. Vest’s teachings will prioritize respect, cultural sensitivity, and practical applications for holistic wellbeing as you learn to communicate with spirits and travel into other realms to obtain information to help yourself and others heal.


What You’ll Receive | Program Details  | Curriculum | About Jennifer Lisa Vest | Bonus Offering | FAQs


Are you seeking to deepen your understanding of medical intuition and explore the profound realms of medical mediumship and mysticism, so you can serve others and fulfill your higher purpose?

You can learn to conduct intuitive scans, communicate with spirit helpers, and work with high-level beings while ensuring safety and integrity through the practical tools, ethical guidelines, and immersive experiences of Medical Intuition Mastery.

Ideal for healers, spiritual practitioners, and those passionate about holistic health, this course provides the knowledge and skills to make a meaningful impact on your life and the lives of those you serve.

Take a transformative journey by exploring three powerful methods of energy medicine and how they synergize, unraveling the complexities of these esoteric practices to advance your skills.

You’ll be guided by Afro-Indigenous medical intuitive and healer Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest, a distinguished scholar renowned for her work in Indigenous philosophy, decolonial thought, and spiritual practices.

Dr. Vest holds a doctorate in Indigenous Philosophy from UC Berkeley. Her extensive training spans various spiritual traditions, including African American, Native American, Jamaican, Trinidadian, and Spiritualist healing practices.

Certified as a medium, firekeeper, QHHT Past Life Regression Practitioner, and Usui Reiki Master, Dr. Vest shares a comprehensive and transformative approach with her students.

Known as a teacher of teachers and healer of healers, Dr. Vest assists lightworkers and healers globally to fulfill their missions.

Over the course of 18 transformational and experiential sessions, Dr. Vest will help you unlock new realms of healing wisdom as you connect with the fascinating Indigenous origins of medical intuition, mediumship, and mysticism.

You’ll create a hybrid healing approach of your own, combining Indigenous modalities for example, working with plants, altars, sacred space, the elements, nature, and whatever is calling to you.

Who This Training Program Is for:

  • Aspiring practitioners who want to take their healing intuitive gifts to the next level in order to heal themselves or serve others
  • Healers and medical practitioners who provide services in the healing arts
  • Medical intuitive practitioners who use intuitive abilities to identify and address health issues by perceiving subtle energy fields and imbalances in the body
  • Medical mediums who work with supernatural or spiritual sources to receive health-related guidance and diagnostic insights to help others with their physical and emotional well-being

Dr. Vest will also share her own insights and best practices, including the techniques she uses to help her clients and how she developed that expertise.

This course is structured in a way that will help you learn to do what Dr. Vest does every day.

Discover how to conduct accurate and ethical healing sessions for each individual client.

Acquire practical tools you can use, like a list of the types of information clients may ask for and need along with which modalities you can use to help discern that knowledge.

Learn how to have respectful relationships with spirit and keep yourself safe while interacting with the Other Side.

Use your four clairs clairaudience (hearing voices), clairvoyance (seeing images), clairsentience (recognizing feelings), and claircognizance (knowing) to identify and access physical and emotional causes of illness in the body.

Explore how to combine your clairs with mediumship and mysticism to provide a comprehensive and evidential holistic assessment of your client.

During this training, you’ll journey through an exclusive workbook as you engage in weekly assignments and exercises, applying your new theoretical knowledge.

Complete reflections, ceremonies, and collaborative projects with colleagues, friends, and classmates in this truly immersive and transformative experience.

As an optional final project, you can develop a professional practice plan to put what you’re learning into action every day.

Join this comprehensive training with Dr. Vest and begin working with your healing gifts in a way that aligns with who you are...

... so your work is more sustainable, you’re healthier in every way, you won’t feel burned out or drained energetically, and you’ll fulfill your higher purpose today and in the future.


Gigi Valdez: “When Doctors Couldn’t Figure It Out, Dr. Vest
Was Able to Tell Me Why My Mother Got Sick, and She Is Very Healthy Now”


What You’ll Explore in This 18-Session Course


The Vest Protocol Learn how to apply this multi-pronged approach to developing your energy healing skills, created by Dr. Vest after decades of studying and teaching medical intuition, mysticism, mediumship, psychic development, and spiritual healing.

Further Your Life Purpose Discern whether or not medical Shamanism is right for you, which types of training will serve you best, and how medical intuition, mediumship, and mysticism can help create or fine-turn your energy medicine healing practice.

The 4 Clairs Use your innate senses of clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and claircognizance to create evidence-based assessments for your clients to aid them on their healing journeys.

Indigenous & Ancestral Roots Implement wisdom from the true origins of medical mediumship to improve your practice today.

Healing Session Guidelines Understand which type of spirit beings are most effective to work with on specific issues, and how to make each session ethical, safe, respectful, and motivated by pure intentions.

Provoking Mystical Events Bring about spiritual events in your life to strengthen your healing skills and help clients address their big-picture healing concerns.

Tools From Global Spiritualism Draw from healing wisdom systems worldwide to attract assistance from spirit doctors and high-level beings, helping you make a greater impact on those you’re called to serve.

Spiritual Guides Interact with incarnation guides, dimensional sentries, and Akashic guides to uncover new healing information for yourself and others.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

  • Eighteen 90-Minute Class Sessions With Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest

    Immerse yourself via live-streaming video in the deep, comprehensive teachings and experiential practices of Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest at your pace and from the comfort of your home. Class sessions are on Thursdays at 1:00pm Pacific.

  • Video Recordings of Class Sessions

    After each class, integration session, and workshop session, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format so you can review the material anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

  • Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

    After each class, integration session, and workshop session, the audio will be available for you to stream so you can review the material anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

  • Transcripts of Class Sessions

    You’ll also receive the transcript after each class, integration session, and workshop session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the insights and practices that are most impactful to you.

  • Eighteen 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions

    With live class attendance, there will be a 30-minute optional interactive practice session directly following each class. You’ll be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the Zoom call to interact, share, and do additional practices to help you further integrate the weekly lessons. Practice sessions are not recorded for playback; if you’re unable to attend the live sessions, the Facebook online community group allows you to connect with each other and find alternative times to interact.

  • Foundational Modules from Dr. Vest’s Indigenous Medical Intuition Course

    If you have not experienced Dr Vest’s teachings before, you’re welcome to join this next-level course, but we ask that you complete the foundational coursework from the Indigenous Medical Intuition program on your own as a prerequisite. It will be included in your registration and can be completed before or in tandem with this advanced intensive.

  • Deepening Practices for Each Unit

    Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest will be teaching principles that are best absorbed through direct experience. She’ll identify areas for you to focus on between classes to accelerate your learning and more deeply embody the material.

  • Online Community

    Our exclusive online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your program materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

  • Follow Up Questions

    After each session, Dr Vest will take the best questions from the course chat room, community Facebook page, and module home page to address, furthering the teachings from the sessions. Her responses will give you insight into your own spiritual journey.

  • Bonuses

    Receive two free bonuses with this course:

    Meet Me On The Bridge
    A guided audio meditation with Sarina Baptistato help you connect with deceased loved ones on the bridge between two worlds.

    Ancestral Wisdom and Indigenous African Spirit Technologies
    A audio interview with Dr. Malidoma Somé from the Shamanism Global Summit on how ancestral Indigenous wisdom of the ancestors can assist with both personal and global healing.


About Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest

Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest is an Afro-Indigenous medical intuitive, Akashic records reader, mystic, ceremonialist, and healer. She is a teacher of medical intuition, mysticism, mediumship, psychic development, and spiritual healing and the author of The Ethical Psychic and Sovereign Wisdom: Generating Native American Philosophy from Indigenous Cultures.

A former philosophy professor with extensive teaching experience, she helps clients connect to higher realms and develop their intuitive gifts. She is traditionally trained in Native American sweat lodge ceremonies, African American Hoodoo, Caribbean spiritual healing, and Spiritualism.

She is the founder of the online school Metatron’s Academy, where she teaches medical intuition and other supersensory courses. She also hosts the podcast, Journal of a Medical Intuitive.

Dr. Vest holds a PhD in Indigenous Philosophy from UC Berkeley, an MA in history from Howard University, and a BA in Physics from Hampshire College.


Contributing Guest Teachers

Dr. Vest will invite Indigenous healers and elders to speak in class and share their wisdom and experiences. You’ll also learn from interviews with successful energy healers, including an experienced medical mystic and a practicing shaman who regularly incorporate the principles you’re learning.


About This Advanced Course

Program Details & Curriculum

Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest has created a comprehensive learning experience to empower you to explore medical mediumship and mysticism within Indigenous and Global Ancestral healing traditions.

There will be a total of three units, each composed of multiple modules. Unit One contains seven modules, Unit Two contains eight modules, and Unit Three contains three modules. Dr. Vest will teach a live 90-minute video class module every week.

This program will feature LIVE teaching, experiential practices, integration sessions, and Q&A with Dr. Vest. Each module will build harmoniously upon the previous ones to help you develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to receive the highest benefit from this comprehensive program.

Class Modules Thursdays at 1:00pm Pacific

Unit One: Explore Medical Intuition, Mediumship & Mysticism to Discern Which Approach Best Aligns With Your Gifts


Examine the definitions of medical intuition, medical mediumship, and medical mysticism.

Learn how these modalities are similar to and differ from one another, and how Dr. Vest combines them in her Vest Protocol, a multi-pronged approach to developing your energy healing skills.

Acquire actionable tips for working as an evidence-based practitioner from Dr. Vest’s interviews with energy healers.

Module 1: Understand Medical Intuition, Mediumship, & Mysticism and How They Can Further Your Life Purpose (August 8)


Delve into the distinctions between working with spirit helpers, working with high-level beings, and performing medical intuitive scans using the clairs and how and when to use each modality.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The Vest Protocol of medical intuition, mediumship, and mysticism
  • Differences between intuitive, mediumistic, and mystical approaches to medical assessment
  • A comprehensive list of practices and the types of information each practice can allow you to access
  • A guided life meditation to reflect on your life purpose as it relates to these practices

Module 2: Use the 4 Clairs, Mediumship & Mysticism to Create an Evidence-Based Assessment of Your Clients (August 15)


Review the 11 steps of the Vest Protocol for Indigenous medical intuition. Examine the role that medical mediumship and mysticism play in helping individual clients, communities, and the planet with medical concerns.

Learn how to use the four clairs to identify and access physical and emotional causes of illness in the body. Combine them with mediumship (working with spirit doctors) and mysticism (working with high-level beings) to provide a comprehensive and evidential holistic assessment of your client.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Practice conducting MRI and Zoom scans using the Vest Protocol
  • Explore the physical, emotional, and spiritual causes of illness
  • Learn about the Indigenous roots of medical intuition
  • Understand the role of character, ethics, mediumship, and mysticism in medical intuition
  • Discover the importance of perceiving the layers of the aura and how to combine that knowledge with mediumship
  • Determine how spirit doctors and ancestors can aid in medical intuitive assessments

Module 3: How to Conduct Mediumship Sessions to Safely Communicate With the Other Side (August 22)


Learn how to develop or enhance your mediumship abilities. Understand how to practice mediumship with protocols and rituals in place to keep you safe and enhance your accuracy.

Dr. Vest will discuss the dangers of practicing mediumship without proper training, intentions, and safeguards in place. She’ll explain the different types of spirits that mediumship can call in, and reveal how to identify them.

Recognize how to have respectful relationships with spiritual entities. Discover how mediumship is practiced in a variety of Indigenous and non-Indigenous traditions around the world.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Set up sacred space to protect yourself and your client
  • Communicate with the other side and strengthen those communications
  • Create a system for spirit communication during a guided practice
  • Learn to use symbols, plants, rocks, music, intention, and spoken word to control which spirits enter your space
  • Discover how to discern spirits that communicate with you
  • Explore the risks of unreliable information in mediumship
  • Practice protection rituals
  • Cultivate respectful relationships with spiritual entities
  • Practice mediumship preparation protocols

Module 4: Understand the Indigenous Roots of Medical Mediumship & Your Ancestral Roots to Improve Your Mediumship Practice (August 29)


Examine the difference between clinical and earth-based medical mediumistic healing practices as well as their strengths and weaknesses, limitations, and conditions.

Learn about ancestral medicine traditions from around the globe that inform medical intuition and mediumship and how they can illuminate your own practice.

Explore how individual and community healing approaches differ, and distinguish how to learn from other cultures through culture-sharing without culturally appropriating.

Discern how communication with ancestors, spirit doctors, spirit animals, plants, and animals can help you expand your offerings. And embrace your own ancestral roots, reflecting on how they relate to your purpose and practice.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How different traditions use techniques to communicate with spirit to help people heal
  • How to work with your ancestors
  • How Indigenous traditions can protect you as a medium
  • Medical mediumship’s Indigenous ancestral medicine traditions that enhance your practice
  • Wisdom and tips from firsthand experiences of ancestral medicine practices via Dr. Vest’s interviews with Indigenous healing practitioners

Module 5: Clarify the Goals of Each Session to Choose Which Type of Spirit Beings Are Most Effective to Work With (September 5)


Discover techniques for choosing which type of spirit beings you want to work with and what kind of information you want to obtain. Investigate the role of spirit animals, plants and rocks.

Reflect on your purpose, the goals of your healing practice, your ancestral medicine traditions, and the needs of your clients to determine the best approach to take.

Find out how to test spirit doctors, how to work with a client’s ancestors, and when and how high-level beings can offer relevant and actionable information.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How to perceive and get help from your client’s ancestors during an aura scan
  • Whether you’re meant to work with spirit doctors
  • How to identify and test spirit doctors
  • How and when to work with high-level beings
  • Which ancestors are best to work with for a client, and what type of information they might provide

Module 6: Tools for Attracting Spirit Doctors and High-Level Beings to Assist You in Your Development as a Healer (September 12)


Recognize how to attract the spirit helpers you need in every scenario. Hear from other healers about how working with spirit helpers and high-level beings enhances their healing offerings, and discern how the right spirit helpers can assist in identifying treatments and practitioners for your clients.

Be introduced to practices that healers from various traditions employ to raise their frequency and attract high-level beings into their lives and work.

Delve into Western Spiritualism and how mediums are trained to work with spirit doctors.

Learn about personal and community ceremonies, activities, lifestyle choices, rituals, and practices to raise your vibration and attract high-level beings to communicate with you, help you to develop, and assist you in helping others.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Tips and wisdom from Dr. Vest’s interviews with a spiritualist medium and healer who shares how to attract helpers, and a medicine person who works with high-level beings
  • Techniques to help you raise your own vibration
  • Rituals and techniques to help attract angels into your practice
  • Methods for getting treatment suggestions from spirit doctors

Module 7: Combine Medical Intuition With Medical Mediumship to Maximize Your Accuracy (September 19)


Learn advanced techniques of the Vest Protocol that allow you to combine medical intuitive scanning with information obtained from spiritual helpers.

Discern when to work psychically, when to work mediumistically, and when to combine the two.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • Working with bodies vs. working with spirits
  • How tuning in intuitively differs from tuning in mediumistically, and how these different ways of working can affect your accuracy
  • What it means to be an evidential medium
  • How to always prioritize evidence in your work with clients

Unit Two: Broaden Your Skills With the Wisdom of Global Spiritualism, the Akashic Records, Archangels, Incarnation Guides & More


Focus on cultivating an accurate, ethical, and safe set of skills as you tap into global spiritual healing traditions.

Determine which types of training best align with your life purpose.

Learn from Dr. Vest’s interviews with a shaman and a medical mystic who currently run successful practices that allow them to share their gifts with the world.

Module 8: Incorporate the Wisdom of Global Spiritualism Into Your Practice to Make a Greater Impact on Those You Serve (September 26)


Gain a deeper understanding of the traditions of spiritualism found in cultures throughout the world, including Africa, the Americas, and the UK.

Identify the core tenets of spiritualism and how they are practiced for healing.

Learn about Spiritualist movements and methods of training in the U.S., Brazil, and other countries.

Dr. Vest will share her experiences with Spiritualist Caribbean, Native American, and Euro-American traditions of Spiritualism and her training in medical intuition within these contexts.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How orishas, ancestors, and divination provide healing in African and Caribbean forms of spiritualism and spiritism
  • How animal spirits provide healing in Native American spiritualism
  • The American British Spiritualism techniques
  • How music, rhythm, trance, and mediumship are used to facilitate connection
  • How plant medicine works with mediumship
  • Interviews with Spiritualists

Module 9: Discern Which Types of Training Will Further Your Life Purpose (October 10)


Reflect on your life purpose and what it’s telling you about your practice, your gifts, and the trajectory of training and development that’s best for you.

Consider how your purpose can contribute to your health and healing. Learn how soul loss and loss of purpose can cause illness. Recognize group purpose, community purpose, and soul purpose.

Engage in exercises to help you determine how your purpose defines your practice as a healer.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The relationship between life purpose and illness
  • The connection between life purpose and healer gifts
  • An understanding of soul purpose
  • The concepts of group purpose and group karma
  • A guided meditation to visit the Akashic records and learn about your purpose as it relates to healing

Module 10: Practice Spirit Release & Trauma Release to Heal Difficult-to-Treat Conditions (October 17)


Expand your understanding of how medical mediums and medical mystics work with spirit to help clients address conditions that are challenging to diagnose and treat.

Hear about working with archangels and other high-level beings to help identify and remove stuck energy and attached spirits in a client’s auric field aiding recovery from psychological disorders, chronic health conditions, and addictions that do not respond to traditional treatment.

Mediums can perceive earthbound spirits, and mystics can communicate with angels and other high-level beings to help clients release spirits. Spirit release work can be a powerful diagnostic alone or be combined with other treatments in the field of medical intuition.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The impact of earthbound spirits on health
  • The distinction between perceiving earthbound spirits and working with archangels and high-level beings to remove stuck energy in your client’s aura
  • How to determine if you’re meant to do this work
  • Indigenous traditions of spirit release
  • Techniques for releasing spirits

Module 11: Provoke Mystical Events in Your Life to Refine Your Medical Mysticism Skills & Address Big-Picture Health Issues (October 24)


Define mysticism and understand how it’s distinguished from mediumship and channeling.

Recognize the various traditions of mysticism, and how mysticism in the context of medical intuition becomes medical mysticism. Dr. Vest will explain the role of medical mystics in obtaining information of value to the planet.

Learn about transcendence and unity consciousness, and how such experiences can be linked to healing and healthcare. Hear from people who’ve had mystical experiences as they describe the impact on their lives.

Come away with techniques for provoking mystical events in your life.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • A deep understanding of what mysticism is and how to use it
  • How mysticism is defined in different cultures
  • The traditional role of the mystic in society
  • How to provoke a mystical experience
  • How medical mysticism can help address big-picture health issues
  • Medical mysticism as service to the planet/universe

Module 12: Travel to the Akashic Records to Uncover Information About the Spiritual Causes of Illness (October 31)


Learn all about the Akashic Records, a repository of knowledge and an energetic “place” where you can work with high-level beings.

The records and traveling to them can provide valuable information about the spiritual causes of illness.

Access your own pre-life decisions related to purpose, life lessons, important pivot points, gifts, karma, and soul contracts.

See how spiritual causes of illness can work with other causes of illness to create disease and how helping clients understand their pre-life conference can aid them in their recovery.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • What the Akashic Records are, and the rooms you’ll find when you travel to access them
  • What types of questions can be asked in the Akashic Records
  • A guided journey to the Akashic Records to access your records
  • The rules about working with the Akashic Records
  • How to determine whether you’re meant to access the records for your clients

Module 13: Interact With Incarnation Guides, Dimensional Sentries & Akashic Guides to Access New Healing Information for Yourself & Others (November 7)


Delve deeper into the Akashic records. They’re filled with incarnation guides and other high-level beings who can assist you in answering a wide variety of questions.

Learn how it’s possible to receive and transmit healing through the Akashic records, and how they can be used to help diagnose and heal yourself or your clients.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • All the beings you can communicate with through the Akashic records
  • Who the dimensional sentries are and why they are important
  • How the Akashic records can provide you with a portal to other realms
  • How to interact with the incarnation guides
  • How to journey to the Akashic records to speak with incarnation guides

Module 14: Guidelines & Self-Assessment Protocols for Cultivating a Safe, Ethical Medical Mediumship & Medical Mysticism Practice (November 14)


Consider the ethical risks of mediumship and medical mediumship and how these gifts can interfere with the will of both humans and spirits when improperly used.

Discover how mediumship can interfere with the destiny of souls, create portals, and disrupt the harmony of human/spirit interactions and boundaries and how mediumship can be improperly used to manipulate people and interfere with the grieving process.

Discuss how medical mysticism can misinform the public and negatively impact public health. Learn the questions to ask yourself to ensure your work is guided by the right motives. Understand how to employ safeguards to keep you from inadvertently harming others with your gifts.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • How to practice mediumship and medical mediumship ethically
  • How medical intuition in all its forms can harm people
  • An interview with a medical mystic to learn about real-life experience of ethical medical mysticism
  • Legal guidelines for setting up your practice

Module 15: Determine Whether the Paths of Medical Mysticism & Medical Shamanism Are Right for You (November 21)


Discover how shamanism and mysticism are related.

Dr. Vest will explain both Indigenous and non-Indigenous practices of shamanism. She’ll discuss medical shamanism and accuracy, as well as shamanism and medical shamanism, and how they differ from medical mysticism and medical mediumship.

Learn how shamanism employs interdimensional travel, works with animal and plant beings, and works with plant medicine.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • What medical shamanism is
  • What interdimensional travel looks like in shamanism, and the risks associated with it
  • Dr. Vest’s interview with a wise, experienced shaman
  • Indigenous plant medicine traditions and shamanism
  • A guided exercise to determine whether medical shamanism is the path for you

Unit Three: Make These Ancient Healing Principles Part of Your Life Purpose & Your Contribution to Our World


Add the final tools to your practice as Dr. Vest guides you to reflect on the course’s teachings.

Tap into your new, multifaceted understanding of the self to plan for continued personal, interpersonal, and professional growth and deep healing.

Module 16: Add Techniques for Cosmic Travel to Your Medical Mysticism Toolkit So You Can Help Your Clients Heal More Effectively (December 5)


Dr. Vest will share information about how to travel in the cosmos. Learn tools and technologies for trancework, out-of-body travel, interdimensional travel, and methods for creating unity consciousness.

Discover how to work with crystals, plants, and prayer as cosmic doorways and how to distinguish simple out-of-body travel from cosmic oneness events.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • The role of diet in cosmic travel
  • How to work with rocks and sensory deprivation as cosmic doorways
  • The connection between fasting and mystical events
  • A guided journey in which you’ll zoom to the stars

Module 17: Learn From Wise Elders, Grandmothers & Lightworkers So You Can Better Serve Others & the Planet (December 12)


Explore the role mystics play in serving the planet.

Dr. Vest will explain the movement of lightworkers and how it relates to your practice, and guide you to examine current gatherings of Indigenous elders and grandmothers who are convening to share their mystical wisdom with the world.

Consider how this wisdom could aid and inform your practice as a medical mystic. Discern how service to clients differs from service to the planet and learn how to determine what kind of service you came to do.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The role of service in medical mysticism
  • A message from a grandmother featured in Dr. Vest’s interview
  • How the term lightworker is used and by whom
  • What the light grid is
  • Famous Indigenous prophecies currently being discussed by Indigenous elders

Module 18: Celebrate Your Journey and Make Everything You’ve Learned a Vital Part of Your Practice & Purpose (December 19)


Dr. Vest will discuss how what you’ve learned about your life purpose, soul purpose, gifts, and the various forms of medical intuition have informed how you’ll structure or change your healing practice.

She’ll share mystical medical messages from her own guides and encourage you and your classmates to share insights.

In this final module, you’ll discover:

  • How to incorporate all you have learned into your practice
  • How to build a supportive community of practitioners to support your practice
  • How to empower the practitioner, the client, and the community
  • Mystical messages from Dr. Vest’s guides
  • Share and learn from the mystical messages of others in the training


The Medical Intuition Mastery Bonus Offering

In addition to Dr. Vest’s 18-module training, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Meet Me On The Bridge
Guided Audio Meditation With Sarina Baptista


Evidential psychic medium Sarina Baptista’s comforting 20-minute guided audio meditation can help you connect with deceased loved ones on the bridge between two worlds. Begin with deep, diaphragmatic breathing. Progress into visualization, and then allow yourself to go to that “liminal space” between the mundane and what lies beyond. It’s great for beginners in the domain of mediumship, and a wonderful refresher for those who’ve done it before.


Ancestral Wisdom and Indigenous African Spirit Technologies
Audio Interview With Dr. Malidoma Somé From the Shamanism Global Summit


At this critical time in history, the earth’s people are awakening to a deep need for global healing. African wisdom, a long-held secret, is being called on to provide tools to help us move into a more peaceful and empowered way of being within ourselves and within our communities. Join initiated elder, author, and diviner Dr. Malidoma Somé as he unveils these ancient traditions, as a testimony to the Indigenous capacity to assert itself with dignity in the face of modern challenges. Discover how ancestral Indigenous wisdom of the ancestors can assist with both personal and global healing.


3 Medical Intuition Case Studies
PDF Guide From Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest


Dr. Vest recounts the fascinating cases of three very different clients she’s recently worked with as a medical intuitive and healer. Angelica was a people-pleaser who came to Dr. Vest with sick, heavy, and scared energy; when Dr. Vest performed an energy scan, she discovered a blood clot that medical tests had missed. Another client brought her 10-year-old child to Dr. Vest to discern the root cause of a crippling fear of animals. Josef, a third client. complained of feeling unhealthy and lethargic; Dr. Vest detected a serious heart problem via energy scan. This peek behind the scenes of Dr. Vest’s practice is the perfect supplement to your studies as you build and refine your healing skills so you can best serve others.


The Medical Mystic: Medical Intuition as Next Generation Medicine
Chapter 1 From the Book by Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest


Dive into the origins of medical mysticism and what the future holds for this emerging field in this excerpt from Dr. Vest’s book, The Medical Mystic. Discover how to use your medical mysticism gifts in the world for a larger purpose and the ethics to keep in mind as you explore and use this modality. Holistic health practitioners, energy healers, and spiritual counselors will learn new ways to implement and expand their work in the world.


Join the Livestream or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience


While we hope you’ll attend all the sessions live, you’ll be able to stream recordings of the 18 modules, should you occasionally need to miss one. As you’ll discover, however, your live attendance is integral to your learning, understanding, and connection to the community.


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What Graduates of Dr. Vest’s Previous Courses Are Saying...

Natalia Rose: “Dr. Vest Has Played a Pivotal Role in the Development of My Own Gifts”

Patrick Winfield Vogel: “There Are Very Few People I’ve Met in This Life Who Hold Themselves to Such a High Standard of Integrity”

Amelia Vigil: “I Was Able to Come Out of a Group Ceremony With Excellent Connections to My Guides and My Ancestors”

“This course was deeply resonating, bringing clarity to a part of me that I knew existed…”

This course was deeply resonating, bringing clarity to a part of me that I knew existed but that I’ve never really understood and therefore at times even doubted. It gave me a structure for practicing my abilities and how to use them.


Montreal, Canada

EDIT 5112
“I experienced true hope and empowerment from this course.”

Dr. Vest and this course have been an answered prayer, literally. I experienced true hope and empowerment from this course. I am excited to continue to practice Dr. Vest’s teachings.

Kalunyahawi (Wendy)

Williamsburg, Virginia

EDIT 5113
“Dr. Vest was the exact teacher I needed!”

I absolutely loved this course! Dr. Vest was the exact teacher I needed! This course is what I needed to start confidently practicing!

Dr. Lauren Sanchez

Austin, Texas

EDIT 5114
“Very grateful to Dr. Vest and The Shift Network team for such an insightful and in-depth course…”

Dr. Vest’s class was transformative. She is a wonderful teacher, incredibly knowledgeable, thoughtful, ethical, and supportive. The environment for learning is so conducive to growth. Very grateful to Dr. Vest and The Shift Network team for such an insightful and in-depth course that allows one to learn the skills needed to become a professional in this field.

J. Jin
EDIT 5115
“This course will positively change everyone that takes it.”

Dr. Vest is amazing. She covers so much material. This course will positively change everyone that takes it.


Phoenix, Arizona

EDIT 5116

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Training, Medical Intuition Mastery


We feel honored that Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest, has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive in-depth, advanced LIVE online training. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with one of the foremost facilitators of medical intuitive healing. As an Afro-Indigenous medical intuitive, healer, and author, Dr. Vest has helped thousands build or refine their healing practices and align with their highest purpose.

Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind training! Dr. Vest’s powerful insights will help you make respect, cultural sensitivity, and accuracy the cornerstone of your practice as you learn to communicate with spirits and travel into other realms to obtain information to help yourself and others heal.

You’ll join a community of students and practitioners from around the world to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Dr. Vest will share in this powerful training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


5 Payments of
1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Medical Intuition Mastery or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before August 22, 2024 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest...

“Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest is a unique and gifted medical intuitive who has a deep awareness of the mind-body-spirit connection.”

Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest is a unique and gifted medical intuitive who has a deep awareness of the mind-body-spirit connection. She brought to my awareness past and present factors that have contributed to my state of health. She proved to be amazingly accurate. I feel that I can move forward with my life in a healthier, more balanced way. I recommend Jennifer Lisa's unique intuitive work to anybody who seeks clarity, awareness, and empowerment concerning their overall general health physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Her gift as a medical intuitive will well exceed your expectations.

Denise Carroll

Marina Del Rey, California

EDIT 2294
“Dr. Jennifer Lisa had information for me that changed my life.”

Dr. Jennifer Lisa had information for me that changed my life. She knew facts she could not have known and I am forever changed.

Lawrence Dillard

Beverly Hills, California

EDIT 2295
“[Dr. Vest] is truly gifted and I continue to see her for guidance with my life.”

The first time I met Dr. Vest, I received a fractal healing treatment and she gave me accurate and unexpected information regarding my childhood without me speaking to her at all. The second time I went to see her for a reading, she was so accurate it was creepy. The information provided through her no one else could have known. She is truly gifted and I continue to see her for guidance with my life. She is very helpful and a loving healer.

Kris Ladanyi

Los Angeles, California

EDIT 2296
“Jennifer Lisa Vest is my favorite healer.”

Jennifer Lisa Vest is my favorite healer. She is always right on target. She has an infinite connection with the Divine, and I know that what she says she could only know because of that. She never leaves you feeling hopeless, but always infuses love and healing through her work and touch. We always say we would rather go to her for healing work than get a massage! Her touch as she is healing feels angelic and relaxes you in a way that nothing else really does.. My husband and I saw her a few times as we were faced with different crossroads in our life, and she was extremely instrumental at really critical times. We would not be where we are today without her! She deeply cares for all of her clients and that is evident in the work she does.

Danielle Boyle

Beverly Hills, California

EDIT 2297
“[Dr.Vest] has helped me to find peace and direction in an otherwise scary and helpless situation.”

I am so grateful that I found Jennifer Lisa Vest. We have been doing Skype sessions because I don’t live in her area. I immediately felt comfortable in our first session. Jennifer has a warm and light air about her. I have been struggling with late-stage ovarian cancer and have been quite fearful. Jennifer has given me insight as to why I am going through this based on my past-life experience and is helping me find the best course for healing. I am totally convinced that she is truly gifted. She literally has been a godsend to me. She has helped me find peace and direction in an otherwise scary and helpless situation. Thank you, Dr. Vest, for using your gifts to aid humanity. You are a gem.

Collette A.

Kapaa, Hawaii

EDIT 2298

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s a virtual course?

It’s a great way to engage with live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is any connected device. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

Can I still benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?

Absolutely! You can stream the recordings and download the transcripts of all course sessions, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage with the full community and leaders in our private online community group.

Can you tell me about the private online community group?

We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.

Are there scholarships available for this training?

Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

What’s your refund policy?

Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is August 22, 2024. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)

How can I reach Customer Support?

Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Flexible payment options are available.


