With Money Consciousness Teacher, Coach & Author
Sarah McCrum

An 18-module On-Demand Video Training

Experience transformative exercises to activate the energy of the new currency in YOU.

Release financial karma so you can experience true financial freedom.

Money loves you and it’s here to help you fulfill your dreams, express your soul, and share your gifts with the world.

Money is a living energy of limitless love.

As you may have already experienced, when you open to the loving current of money, your life shifts in unmistakable ways...

Feelings of fear and scarcity fade. The myth that you need to “make more” to “have enough” dissolves into the myth it really is. You become clearer, more effective, and more aligned with your values and your soul.

Deep down, though, do you still find yourself thinking that money is in limited supply in your life? That only the wealthiest among us realistically have access to unlimited money? With our tumultuous world, coming out of a pandemic, you may not see a solution or way out.

Or maybe you’re stuck in the myth that wanting more money is selfish or not spiritual, causing inner conflict at times when you’re grateful for abundance.

You’re certainly not alone mainstream culture and religious traditions ingrain many of these ideas into us from our earliest days.

Leading money consciousness teacher and author Sarah McCrum is here to help you activate the “new currency” in your energy field and in your life.

This new currency is both an evolution and a REVolution. And as it turns out, money doesn’t require anything of you but there are rules to understand that allow it to flow readily into your life.

One of the most incredible rules is this: the more “beautiful requests” you make of money, the more often it gives to you.

A beautiful request is a way of asking for what you want that lights you up...

... which makes it easier for the energy of money to respond to you directly.

“‘Relax, enjoy, and love’ is the essence of unlimited giving and receiving,” Sarah says. “This current never ends, as long as we’re willing to perceive money as love.”

When you make this shift, you move beyond the less/more concept that most people have around money. You no longer have thoughts like, “I gave $100 to this person, so now I have less money than I did before, and this other person has more.”

The key is being in relationship with money, much like being in a relationship with a loved one.

Cultivating a lifelong relationship with money is like learning another language. You can implement some things instantly, which is exciting while other skills take longer to perfect. Like any relationship, it takes time to grow and nurture.

The question is, can you learn how money works, how it responds to you, and how you respond to it?

In this on-demand training, Sarah shows you that there IS a solution, a real and practical way to respond so that regardless of how the world changes and whether you are wealthy or struggling, you’ll know how to nurture your lifelong relationship with money.

Imagine replacing all your old programming about money with love.

Like love, money is infinite, constantly available to every human being on the planet, and waiting for you to wake up and see it for what it really is.

We humans are so used to being let down and disappointed. Can we handle the fact that money will always be there for us, never turning its back on us even if we turn our backs on it?

How can we show up every day with this knowledge?

Experience Sarah McCrum's wisdom in this immersive training, in which you’ll discover:

  • A new understanding of value, not as “what am I worth?” but as an intrinsic part of human connection
  • Guilt, shame, judgment, and scarcity begin to fall away as you engage with the new currency
  • Transformative, guided exercises to activate the energy of the new currency in you
  • Energy transmissions to clear financial triggers and financial karma so you can experience true financial freedom
  • The 5 inner practices of working light that allow you to accomplish things in a fraction of time it takes other people
  • Relating to money in a relaxed, joyful, and loving way completely changes the way you relate to everything in your life
  • How to open up to the generosity of your own life and spirit and how this opening up can create the changes on our planet so many people are asking for

You’ll also experience former participants receive one-on-one coaching with Sarah, which can help you deepen your relationship with money and explore how your deepest wishes and desires connect you with money’s loving energy and your soul’s purpose.

Once you shift your orientation toward money, you have a new way of relating to it for the rest of your life.

Sarah’s teachings have touched thousands of people who’ve shared that their new, relaxed, and joyful relationship with money carries over into their relationships with other people, their work in the world, and their approach to life.

Join this on-demand course with Sarah McCrum for this life-changing advanced training, to help you FULLY activate the new currency in your energy field and life.

What You’ll Discover in These 18 Modules

In this 18-part transformational intensive, Sarah guides you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to activate the new currency in your energy field and in your life. You’ll connect your soul’s purpose and your financial desires, and refine the art of making beautiful requests of money.

The Beauty of On-Demand

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and practices from Sarah. She’ll guide you in simple energy healing practices, grounding exercises, and activation techniques that draw on her background in Chinese metaphysics. The sessions will build harmoniously so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of truly game-changing principles of the new currency.

You can look forward to moving past fear, worry, money triggers, and financial karma as you cultivate a grounded, loving, lifelong partnership with money that will serve your own and others’ highest good.

Modules 1-5: Activate the New Currency

Asking, receiving, and giving this process is the essence of the new currency. As this training gets underway, Sarah walks you through the fundamental principles of the laws of money.

To skillfully interact with this new currency, you’ll cultivate your inner environment through relaxation, one of the deepest spiritual practices there is. In this coaching from Sarah, you’ll explore the connection between your inner environment and your outer results.

Along the way, you’ll discover:

  • How to open to the loving current of money
  • A new understanding of “debt,” and how to build up a different kind of “credit” and create results in the new currency
  • How to make your beautiful requests of money even more powerful and effective
  • The specific law of money that helps ensure that money always has your back
  • Keys to creating real, tangible results before the holiday season
  • Daily practices and awareness to support relaxation, enjoyment, and love the 3 keys to receiving

Modules 6-8: Deepen Your Connection With Your Soul’s Purpose

Your soul’s purpose continues to emerge over time, through the growing recognition and discovery of who you really are and what you value in this lifetime, at this exact moment in history.

In this section of the course, Sarah shows you how to receive deeper spiritual guidance around your soul’s purpose.

The more you access the new loving currency, the more expansive you’ll feel about your life and the more you’ll also need to ground yourself in the practical.

In this phase of your 6-month journey, you’ll discover:

  • How the healthy ego expresses itself in your relationship with money
  • Methods for becoming more conscious of your money patterns and beliefs
  • Your soul’s unfolding purpose and how it directly aligns with the new, loving currency
  • How money’s unlimited nature helps you expand your vision
  • How to align your life’s possibilities and living your soul purpose with money
  • Powerful practices to ground your energy, relax, and center your energy so you’ll be open to receiving even more energy

Modules 9-11: Clear Financial Karma & Begin “Working Light”

Working light is a way to be more productive with greater ease, less effort, and less time. As you’ll soon discover, it challenges what our culture teaches us about constantly working hard.

In this set of modules, Sarah guides you to explore and question your own current work habits and you’ll experience former participants receive individual coaching from Sarah around how to make working light work for YOU.

In these modules, you’ll discover:

  • What it means to work light and grounded vs. work hard and spiritual
  • The 5 inner practices of working light that allow you to accomplish things in a fraction of the time it takes other people
  • An energy transmission to release unhelpful financial karma
  • Insights into the ways your money blocks are blocking your soul’s purpose
  • How to recognize and work with! fear and ego contraction
  • An exercise to fully prepare you to work with the inner technology of manifestation love creating through you
  • A daily practice that supports you working light

Modules 12-14: Creating True Value in the World

In this pivotal part of the course, you’ll explore the true “value” of human connection and how love changes the value equation in all transactions

Sarah guides you to consider how people create value and exchange money. She also share's a truly eye-opening approach to understanding value as she guides you to answer thought-provoking questions along the way, including:

  • How do you value money?
  • How do you value yourself and your work in the world?
  • How do you value other people?
  • How do you create value and exchange in a way that’s deeply satisfying to all parties?
  • What is the value and currency of appreciation and gratitude?

This deep dive culminates in a powerful pre-recorded coaching session with Sarah focused on turning your new understanding of value into practical business and personal results.

Modules 15-18: What Is Life Creating Through You? The New Currency

At this point in your training, you’ll have come to appreciate money’s generosity, leaving behind the myth of scarcity. Treating money as a living expression of your deepest desires and values will feel natural!

In this culminating set of modules, you’ll come to deeply understand how love is the fuel for life’s creativity expressed at both the individual and collective level.

As you’ll discover, your loving relationship with money opens up your creativity across all areas of your life. You’ll learn how to CREATE your health, your relationships, and your business instead of managing whatever seems to come along.

As you experience this prior coaching session from Sarah about how to communicate in a way that’s aligned with your true self, you’ll fully activate the new currency within your energy field and life beautifully combining money, purpose, and love.

In these final modules, you’ll discover:

  • How to open up to the generosity of your own life and spirit and how this opening up can create the changes on our planet so many people are asking for
  • That the further you go in your relationship with money, the clearer everything becomes and the more organized your finances are
  • How to bring in more money than you need, creating what you want in collaboration with money’s energy
  • The world of investing and what you want to do with the wealth you’ll be creating
  • How to be dynamically engaged in your own life and your soul’s desire and the creative impulse that flows through you
  • The art of making conscious choices, living in partnership with life’s creativity and your role in life’s incredible, magnificent expression

The Activate the New Currency Bonus Collection

In addition to Sarah’s transformative 18-week virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

How to Make a Simple, Easy & Genuine Offer
Video Teaching From Sarah McCrum

If you want to sell anything, you’ll need a good process that’s respectful, comfortable, and effective. In Sarah’s 60-minute video, she’ll explain how the fundamental pattern of a good sales process can be applied in many situations and adapted to suit different businesses. Sarah shares the sales process she uses as a foundation for all her offers, especially in one-on-one conversations.

30-Day Energy Challenge
15 Guided Audio Meditations With Sarah McCrum

In just 30 days, Sarah will guide you to balance and recharge your energy for outstanding performance. Complete with 15 guided audio relaxations (one to listen to every other day during this downloadable series), Sarah designed this training to clear out old energy and leave you feeling refreshed and energized.

What Graduates of Sarah's Courses Are Saying...

Brendon Brackin: “During the Time of the Course, My Income Doubled”

Victoria Castle: “It Was a Breakthrough Moment for Me”

Gary Malkin: “I Was Really Struggling and the Next Morning I Got a $10,000 Check”

“[Sarah’s] high quality and excellence imbue all she teaches with a deliberate, patient, and balancing energy.”

Sarah McCrum is a lovely and unique metaphysical teacher who brings great depth and clarity to the instructions we all seek for balanced living. Her high quality and excellence imbue all she teaches with a deliberate, patient, and balancing energy that makes learning easy and most desirable. She is a natural a lovely appreciator, a woman who shows us our power, and how to hold ourselves in a beautiful light that allows.
Nancy E. Wood, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

“I went from not being able to talk about money to realizing that its value is so great.”

Until Sarah’s teachings, I had never met money in a healthy way. It just happened in an unconscious way. I defined myself as a social-change artist and entrepreneur, and my relationship with money wasn’t happy and healthy. The course helped me stop and explore some of my assumptions about money in my life. I went from not being able to talk about money to realizing that its value is so great. It has this beautiful quality. It’s so good.
Jon Ramer, founder of Compassion Games and SINE (Synergized Impact Network Exchange)

“... made me feel like the richest person on the planet.”

The Consciousness of Money has made me feel like the richest person on the planet. I just became intensely aware of the abundance I live in. It shifted my consciousness.
Rev. Deborah Moldow, founder of Garden of Light

“... gently takes you to an uncomfortable place where true growth happens...”

I have worked with many different coaches and read many books in pursuit of finding purpose and becoming a better version of myself. Until I met Sarah, I felt misguided and at times confused. Sarah’s ability to help you focus on what matters most, and to gently take you to an uncomfortable place where true growth happens, is what enables her to make a significant impact on the lives she touches.
Lisa Morris, global consulting practice leader

“I am able to achieve more without pushing and struggling.”

Sarah has been my most influential life adviser. She is a brilliant teacher and helps me make sense of concepts that no one else has been able to explain. My life is much easier now because of what she has taught me. I am able to achieve more without pushing and struggling.
Matt Murphy, managing partner at MPR Group

“Sarah can help anyone move past any obstacle, no matter how difficult or deeply established...”

Everywhere Sarah goes, people love her and want to work with her. Her coaching style and acumen amaze me. She has a laser-like intuition honed over decades of working with individuals, families, and groups. Sarah can help anyone move past any obstacle, no matter how difficult or deeply established it may be. She does this by working on multiple levels of subtlety, with a high degree of mastery.
Jeff Vander Clute, founder of Sourcing the Way

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Eighteen 90-Minute Pre-Recorded Sessions From Sarah McCrum

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from money consciousness teacher, coach, and author Sarah McCrum from the comfort of your own home. Each session includes streaming video and will guide you through transformative exercises to activate the energy of the new currency in you.

Eighteen Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

The Activate the New Currency Bonus Collection
  • How to Make a Simple, Easy & Genuine Offer
    Video Teaching From Sarah McCrum
  • 30-Day Energy Challenge
    15 Guided Audio Meditations With Sarah McCrum

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Training, Activate the New Currency

We feel honored that Sarah McCrum has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a money consciousness teacher, coach, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about connecting your deepest desires with money’s loving energy and your soul’s purpose then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Activate the New Currency or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Sarah McCrum...

“I’ve been singing Sarah’s praises everywhere, as she is brilliant, insightful, and wise.”

I’ve been singing Sarah’s praises everywhere, as she is brilliant, insightful, and wise. Her book, Love Money, Money Loves You, is a gamechanger. If you want transformation around abundance, embrace Sarah’s work, and you’ll see results.
Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times bestselling author

“Our conversations are the most expansive (yet beautifully grounded) and inspiring conversations I’ve ever had.”

Our conversations are the most expansive (yet beautifully grounded) and inspiring conversations I’ve ever had. They come at a really important moment in my life. Deeply grateful.
Paul Dunn, chairman, B1G1

“Now I feel much more able to engage in a way that brings me joy and brings the world joy, by being in dialogue with money.”

I had gotten pretty dark and deep into the sadness of what is occurring on the planet. Now I feel much more able to engage in a way that brings me joy and brings the world joy, by being in dialogue with money. Last week I landed my largest contract, my first reveal to the power of this, that’s very exciting.
Felicity Broennan, co-founder of Border Aid

“I have taught and been taught many courses in the corporate world and personal healing world for thirty years and Sarah McCrum’s is the most powerful.”

She is the real deal authentic, accessible and grounded. I have taught and been taught many courses in the corporate world and personal healing world for thirty years and Sarah McCrum’s is the most powerful.
Susan Shaner, founder, Sage Leadership Strategies

“What [Sarah] shares is a game and life changer that relates to money, health, EVERYTHING!”

I thought, yeah, yeah.. another book saying the same things I have heard repeatedly including the Law of Attraction. Boy was I wrong. What she shares is a game and life changer that relates to money, health, EVERYTHING! She describes how to make a paradigm change that is aligned with how consciousness is shifting.
Lorraine Cohen

About Sarah McCrum

Sarah McCrum is a leading money consciousness coach and the author of Love Money, Money Loves You and Energy on Demand: Master Your Personal Energy and Never Burn Out. Born and raised in the UK, Sarah is a graduate of Cambridge University. She is a former school teacher and spent 10 years working for BBC Radio, traveling all over the world to interview children. Her life changed direction at age 30, when her younger sister died, and she subsequently discovered Chinese metaphysics. She trained with Chinese masters for the next 22 years, immersing herself in a Chinese understanding of energy and natural health.

Sarah is the founder of Thank You Money, a program that teaches us how to transform our relationship with money by learning the inner skills we need to meet the challenges of money, business, and family life so we’re able to live more generously to ourselves and others. She coaches spiritual seekers, entrepreneurs, and change leaders around the world, and lives in Australia.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Activate the New Currency
Sarah McCrum