With Founder of Academy of Oracle Arts &
Co-Founder of Imaginal Community
Isis Indriya

A 12-Module On-Demand Video Training

Note:If you have NOT experienced Isis Indriya's 7-module Ancient Egyptian Cosmology & Ritual Arts training, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.

Delve deeply into the rites, rituals, and ceremonies of the Neteru (Egyptian divinities) for expanding your spiritual practice and connection with their cosmic divine attributes, inspiration, principles, and guidance so you can embody this wisdom in your daily life.


In your work with Isis Indriya, you’ve explored seven Egyptian divinities (Neteru) and experienced the ritual practices they inspired.

You’ve learned to live in a more sacred way attuning to cosmic resonance and a higher vibration for personal healing, rebirth, societal transformation, and for building relationships between humanity, the natural world, and the divine realms.

Now, as you apply this profound wisdom to your life doing your part to bridge Heaven and Earth in this life and as your sacred legacy are you wondering how to take your knowledge and practice further?

You’re invited to continue your sacred journey through the ancient ritual arts just as they were practiced in ancient Egypt as Isis guides you through a 12-module advanced course.

During this program, you’ll delve more deeply into the essence of ritual practices and their significance within Egyptian cosmology as you experience the diverse types of rituals personal, collective, and devotional and understand their unique purposes and methodologies. 

You’ll learn how rituals serve as vehicles for personal transformation and spiritual evolution, preparing your body, mind, and spirit to become vessels and instruments for divine communion.

With Isis as your guide, you’ll call on the Neteru to be present within you and your sacred space, fostering a deeper connection and communication with these divine energies. 

You’ll explore the ideal timing and nature of rituals, including lunar phases and solar cycles, while cultivating skills to create a temple space dedicated to the Neteru.

Your devotional practices will include hymns (which you’ll learn to compose!), invocations, and offerings for honoring the Neteru as well as anointing practices using oils and sacred plants.

You’ll interpret and work with symbolic elements within ritual practices, and understand their deeper meanings and role in invoking and aligning with divinities.

You’ll experience the transformative power of water-based cleansing rituals and lightwork practices to help you harmonize with the elemental energies of ancient Egyptian cosmology.

Isis will show you how to work with the seasons, solstices, and equinoxes in collective rituals and celebrations, harnessing seasonal energies for spiritual growth and renewal.


During this 12-module advanced course, you’ll:

  • Strengthen your spiritual connection through the threads of ritual including rites, heka, observances, and ceremonies
  • Embody harmony, balance, and justice with the cosmic foundations of Ma’at the goddess of truth and justice
  • Communicate directly with the Neteru as you learn the art of creating a divine altar
  • Explore the Egyptian cosmological rituals associated with significant life transitions like birth and death
  • Experience divine clarity and alignment with daily rituals and purification practices
  • Enhance spiritual hygiene and prepare for ritual work with traditional purification rites and techniques like elemental purification with water
  • Integrate the spiritual support of your community through the power of collective ritual practice
  • Cultivate a sacred temple space for communion with the Neteru
  • Nourish your connection with the Neteru through devotional offerings
  • Learn about celebratory feasts and festivals to honor ancestral spirits and celestial energies
  • Practice divine remembrance and empowerment through the arts of anointing and sacred union
  • Explore symbols as vehicles for spiritual expression, harnessing the power of language and symbolism
  • Establish a temple space dedicated to the Neteru including methods for invoking the presence of specific Neteru within the temple space
  • Delve deeply into the significance of initiations and rites of passage within Egyptian spiritual tradition and how they mark transitions and spiritual growth within your personal journey

As you unlock the hidden wisdom and guidance encoded within ancient Egyptian cosmology through feasts, festivals, and sacred union practices you’ll heighten your spiritual sensitivity and awareness and establish reciprocity with the Divine so you’re open to receive spiritual downloads.

Going deeper and deeper in these ritual arts, you’ll learn how to create protection and sacred boundaries safeguarding against negative energies.

Isis will share new ways to consciously co-shape the future and serve the highest good of every being’s evolution human, natural, and cosmic as you apply cosmic understanding to your everyday life, evolving into a skilled conscious creator.


What You’ll Discover in These 12 Modules

In this 12-module transformational course, Isis will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully incorporate ancient Egyptian rituals into your daily life.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Isis. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to deepen your connection with human, natural, and divine realms through ancient rituals.

Module 1: Engage in Threads & Expressions of Ritual to Support & Strengthen Your Own Spiritual Connection


As this advanced course begins, you’ll dive into the various threads of ritual, including rites, heka, observances, and ceremonies.

Isis will guide you in understanding the significance and differentiation of personal, collective, and devotional rituals.

You’ll also explore how celestial alignments and initiations play a role in ritual practices.

In this opening module, you’ll:

  • Gain a thorough understanding of the various components that constitute ritual practices and their significance within Egyptian cosmology
  • Learn how to differentiate between different types of rituals such as personal, collective, and devotional and understand their unique purposes and methodologies
  • Explore how rituals are aligned with celestial events such as solstices, equinoxes, and lunar phases and their importance in the timing and efficacy of ritual work
  • Gain insights into the significance of initiations and rites of passage within Egyptian spiritual tradition, and how they mark transitions and spiritual growth within your personal journey
  • Understand how Ma’at Laws and Virtues serve as the foundational principles underlying all ritual practices, guiding you in aligning their actions and intentions with universal harmony and balance

Module 2: Understand the Cosmic Foundations of Ma’at for Embodying Harmony, Balance & Justice in Life


Delve into the core principles of Ma’at Laws and Virtues as the foundation of Egyptian ritual.

You’ll also learn about the internal systems of checks and balances the ancients worked with to help cultivate the body, mind, and spirit as vessels and instruments for ritual work, understanding their roles as divine vehicles.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Develop a deep understanding of Ma’at Laws and Virtues and learn practical ways to embody these principles in daily life, cultivating harmony, balance, and justice within oneself and the broader community
  • Explore how rituals serve as vehicles for personal transformation and spiritual evolution and learn how to prepare the body, mind, and spirit as vessels and instruments for divine communion and ritual practice
  • Gain insight into recognizing and hosting the presence of Neteru within oneself and one’s sacred space, fostering a deeper connection and communication with these divine energies
  • Learn to interpret and work with symbolic elements within ritual practices, understanding their deeper meanings and significance in invoking and aligning with divine energies
  • Discover how the cultivation of one’s inner divine house and altar can empower you to serve as a conduit for divine energy, facilitating healing, transformation, and spiritual growth within yourself and your community

Module 3: Create Your Divine Altar for Deepening Your Practice by Communicating Directly With the Neteru


Isis will explain the art of building a divine house through the creation of your altar.

You’ll learn how to discern which Neteru are communicating to and through you, learning how to host them effectively so they may utilize you as a vessel through which to guide and teach.

Isis will also guide you to explore the utilization of the Book of Doors in altar construction.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Develop the art of creating and maintaining a divine altar, understanding its significance as a sacred space for hosting and honoring the presence of the Neteru in one’s home or personal sanctuary
  • Learn methods for discerning which Neteru are seeking to work through you, fostering a deeper connection and communication with these divine energies through the sacred space of the altar
  • Explore the utilization of ancient Egyptian texts such as the Book of Doors as tools for altar construction and invocation, tapping into their wisdom and symbolism to enhance spiritual practice and connection with the divine
  • Gain insights into tailoring altar practices to suit individual spiritual needs and preferences, fostering a sense of personal connection and empowerment in divine communion and ritual work
  • Experience the integration of divine presence into daily life through the establishment of a sacred altar space, facilitating ongoing communication, guidance, and support from the Neteru in one’s spiritual journey

Module 4: Establish Daily Rituals & Purification Practices for Divine Clarity & Alignment


Isis will be your guide as you explore the significance of daily personal rituals and purification practices in Egyptian cosmology.

You’ll also engage in purification rites and elemental purification ceremonies, such as water-based cleansing and sunrise to sunset rituals.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Develop personalized daily rituals that align with ancient Egyptian purification practices, fostering a deeper connection to divine energies and promoting spiritual clarity and balance
  • Learn traditional purification rites and techniques, including elemental purification with water and the symbolism of sunrise to sunset rituals, enhancing spiritual hygiene and preparation for ritual work
  • Explore the transformative power of water-based cleansing rituals and their significance in purifying the body, mind, and spirit harmonizing with the elemental energies of ancient Egyptian cosmology
  • Understand the importance of aligning daily rituals with the natural cycles of the sun and moon, cultivating mindfulness and intentionality in spiritual practice, and fostering a deeper connection to the rhythms of nature
  • Experience increased spiritual awareness and presence through the consistent practice of daily rituals and purification techniques, deepening your connection to the divine and promoting inner peace and balance

Module 5: Remember the Power of Collective Ritual Practice for Community Connection & Alignment


Isis will share the importance of collective rituals, from the New Moon to the Full Moon ceremonies.

You’ll learn to work with the seasons, solstices, and equinoxes in group rituals and attune to the functions unique to personal practices.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Gain insight into the significance of collective rituals within ancient Egyptian cosmology, including their role in community cohesion, spiritual alignment, and honoring cosmic cycles
  • Explore the importance of lunar phases and solar cycles in determining the timing and nature of collective rituals aligning with the rhythms of nature and celestial energies for enhanced spiritual efficacy
  • Learn to work with the seasons, solstices, and equinoxes in collective rituals and celebrations honoring the cyclical changes of the natural world and harnessing seasonal energies for spiritual growth and renewal
  • Understand how collective rituals differ from personal practices in their intention, scope, and communal participation and how they foster a sense of shared purpose, connection, and empowerment within the group
  • Experience the power of collective ritual to foster community engagement, mutual support, and shared spiritual experiences deepening bonds of fellowship and unity with your fellow participants

Module 6: Integrate & Engage Community Support for Shared Spiritual Exploration


In this special module, Isis will foster community discussion and integration of personal experiences with ritual practices.

She’ll share insights on Neteru interactions and explore personal callings for working with specific deities.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Develop skills in fostering open dialogue and sharing within a community setting, allowing you to reflect on your personal experiences and insights gained from ritual practices
  • Explore the diverse encounters participants have with the Neteru and their individual observations within ritual contexts enriching collective understanding and spiritual growth
  • Gain clarity on your personal inclinations towards specific Neteru to help you connect with deity patrons for deeper engagement and devotion
  • Experience the supportive atmosphere of community engagement, providing encouragement, remembrance, and guidance to navigate the spiritual journey
  • Benefit from the collective wisdom and varied perspectives of fellow participants, enhancing individual learning and spiritual development through shared insights and reflections

Module 7: Utilize Foundational Temple Rites to Establish a Sacred Temple Space for Communion With the Neteru


Isis will explain the foundational rites involved in establishing a temple and creating a sacred space for the Neteru.

You’ll also learn to craft sigils known to hold occult power in astrology or magic for deity invocation and establish rituals for temple consecration.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Acquire practical knowledge and skills for establishing a temple space dedicated to the Neteru exploring locations, temple layout, and sacred adornments
  • Learn effective methods for invoking the presence of specific Neteru within the temple space, fostering a deeper connection and communion with these divine energies
  • Understand the importance of consecration rituals in purifying and sanctifying the temple space, creating a sacred environment conducive to spiritual practice and divine communion
  • Develop proficiency in crafting sigils for invoking and representing the energies of the Neteru, enhancing the potency and efficacy of ritual practices within the temple space
  • Explore foundational rites and ceremonies for dedicating the temple space to the service of the Neteru, establishing a sacred nexus for spiritual exploration, growth, and communion

Module 8: Make Devotional Offerings & Invocations for Cultivating Your Personal, Intimate Connection With the Neteru


Delve into the art of devotion through hymns, invocations, and offerings.

Isis will help you understand the differences between these as you learn to write and perform them in ritual settings.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of devotional practices within the context of ancient Egyptian spirituality, including the significance of hymns, invocations, and offerings in honoring the Neteru
  • Learn to differentiate between hymns and invocations and understand their unique roles in expressing reverence, gratitude, and devotion to the Neteru
  • Develop the ability to compose heartfelt hymns dedicated to the Neteru, expressing reverence, praise, and adoration in poetic and evocative language
  • Explore the art of making offerings to the Neteru as a form of devotional practice, learning appropriate offerings and rituals to express gratitude and establish reciprocity with the divine
  • Strengthen the art of invoking the presence and blessings of the Neteru through spoken or written invocations, fostering a deep and intimate connection with these divine energies during ritual practice

Module 9: Honor Ancestral Spirits & Celestial Energies in Celebratory Feasts & Festivals for Spiritual Joy & Growth


Isis will guide you to explore the significance of feasts and festivals in Egyptian ritual practices, including ancestor feasts and solar, lunar, and stellar celebrations.

You’ll also examine the spiritual downloads, uploads, and codes transmitted during these rituals.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Acquire the skills to craft and conduct an ancestor feast rite dedicated to honoring and communing with ancestral spirits, fostering connection and guidance from those who have passed on
  • Explore the significance of feasts and festivals dedicated to celestial phenomena, such as solar, lunar, and stellar transmissions and learn how to incorporate their energies into personal and collective rituals
  • Gain insight into the concept of spiritual downloads and uploads, exploring how these transmissions of divine wisdom and energy can be received and transmitted during ritual practices
  • Discover practical ways to integrate the insights and energies gained from feasts and festivals into everyday life, enhancing spiritual growth, mindfulness, and alignment with divine principles
  • Delve into the symbolic meanings and codes embedded within feasts, festivals, and ritual practices, unlocking hidden wisdom and guidance encoded within ancient Egyptian cosmology for personal and collective transformation

Module 10: Explore the Arts of Anointing & Sacred Union for Divine Remembrance & Empowerment


As you continue your journey, you’ll learn the rituals of anointing and sacred union within the context of Egyptian cosmology.

Isis will help you understand their significance in personal and collective alignment with the will of the divine.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn the ancient art of anointing with oils and sacred plants, experiencing the transformative power of consecration and initiation through the physical act of anointing
  • Explore rituals and ceremonies centered around sacred union, fostering a deeper connection with the divine supporting spiritual union with the Neteru
  • Understand the roles of anointing and sacred union in integrating the physical body with the spiritual realm, promoting holistic wellbeing and alignment with divine purpose
  • Experience heightened spiritual sensitivity and awareness through anointing and sacred union practices, deepening one’s connection to divine energies and facilitating spiritual growth and evolution
  • Feel empowered to serve as a conduit for divine energy and wisdom through the practices of anointing and sacred union, fostering a sense of purpose, alignment, and fulfillment in one’s spiritual journey

Module 11: Experience Sacred Rituals of Birth and Death for Navigating Life’s Transitions With Acceptance, Grace & Reverence


You’ll explore the rites associated with birth and death in ancient Egyptian culture.

Isis will explain the spiritual significance of these transitional moments and learn how to conduct rituals to honor them.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the rituals associated with significant life transitions such as birth and death within the context of ancient Egyptian cosmology
  • Learn rituals and ceremonies to honor the sacredness of birth, welcoming new life into the world and invoking blessings for the newborn and their family
  • Explore rituals and practices for navigating the transition of death with reverence and respect honoring the journey of the departed souls and support their passage to the afterlife
  • Understand how birth and death rites are interconnected within the cycle of life and death, fostering a holistic perspective on the transformative nature of existence
  • Experience healing and transformation through the practice of birth and death rituals, embracing the cycles of life with acceptance, grace, and spiritual awareness

Module 12: Engage in an Initiation, a Rite of Passage for Acknowledging the Divine Work That’s Now Unfolding as Part of the Collective Spiritual Journey


Prepare to deepen into lightwork rituals including prayer and “charge writing,” sigil creation, and invocation versus evocation practices. Learn protection rites with fire and ash and develop rituals for personal and collective transformation.

In this final module, you’ll:

  • Develop proficiency in various lightwork practices, including hymn and prayer writing and sigil creation, enhancing spiritual potency and efficacy in ritual work
  • Explore the creative process of writing hymns, prayers, and creating sigils as vehicles for spiritual expression, harnessing the power of language and symbolism to evoke divine presence and energy
  • Learn how to create and share rituals with others, fostering community engagement and collaboration in spiritual practice and collective transformation
  • Learn the difference betweeninvocation and evocation, and how to write them effectively to enhance your ritual practices and deepen your connection with spiritual energies and realms
  • Master the art of conducting protection rites through symbols, fire, and ash creating sacred boundaries and safeguarding against negative energies and influences in spiritual work and daily life


The Deepening Rituals From the Egyptian Neteru Bonus Gift

In addition to Isis’s transformative 12-module online course, you’ll receive this special bonus to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Dreaming Like an Egyptian
Audio Drumming Journey From Module Three of Robert Moss’ Course, Dreaming Into Dreamtime

In this guided meditation accompanied by shamanic drumming,  Robert Moss, bestselling author and creator of Active Dreaming, leads you on a journey into the Hall of Gods. There you’ll meet Anubis the jackal-headed deity who guided the dead to the afterlife. You’ll find yourself among living statues, which the Egyptians believed to be magic. You’ll connect with one of them the energetic form of a deity who’ll lead, protect, and speak to you as you cross the veil into a sacred realm. By the end of the journey, you'll have made a connection with a form of the Divine… and return with memories and an energetic gift from all that you've encountered.


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What Graduates of Isis Indriya’s Courses Are Saying...

“I’ve had great spiritual teachers, but this was next level!”

I learned more about the Neteru, the Egyptian temples, and rituals than I have in years. I’ve had great spiritual teachers, but this was next level! Isis brought me so much closer to my spiritual goals and comprehension of the ancient texts. Thank you!
Inanna, Torrance, California

“The course in Egyptian Cosmology with Isis Indriya was everything I wanted it to be and then some.”

The course in Egyptian Cosmology with Isis Indriya was everything I wanted it to be and then some. I am more than ever connected and intrigued by the ancient Egyptian mysteries and this course was only the tip of the iceberg. It was an amazing intro to the Neteru principals and how to work with them and I love the rituals we learned to use and I am already integrating them into my practice, as they are so evocative and beautiful, as well as powerful.
Jadzia, Cape Girardeau, Montana

“Isis Indriya is an exceptionally gifted and inspirational teacher!”

Still processing insights and transformations, but this course built on my tour of Egypt a few years ago. Isis Indriya is an exceptionally gifted and inspirational teacher! 
Dave, Las Vegas, Nevada

“It’s really phenomenal that we can get access to this level of teaching.”

It’s really phenomenal that we can get access to this level of teaching. Even if it were easy and possible to go to a weekend retreat or something like that, it would not be possible to get this level of instruction in a way that’s so easily learnable and experienced. I am in awe of what The Shift Network does.
Sue Landsman

“The knowledge learnt from Isis is profound.”

Both the instructor and course are great. The knowledge learnt from Isis is profound. I am able to understand more about the relationship between our energy and our reality.
Gina, Singapore


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Twelve 90-Minute Class Sessions With Isis Indriya

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from Isis Indriya, founder of Academy of Oracle Arts and co-founder of Imaginal Community from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and will guide you to experience healing and transformation, embracing the cycles of life with acceptance, grace, and spiritual awareness through rituals.

Twelve Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Deepening Rituals From the Egyptian Neteru Bonus Gift
  • Dreaming Like an Egyptian
    Audio Drumming Journey From Module Three of Robert Moss’ Course, Dreaming Into Dreamtime

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Deepening Rituals From the Egyptian Neteru


We feel honored that Isis Indriya has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online course. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the founder of Academy of Oracle Arts and co-founder of Imaginal Community whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about delving deeply into the rites, rituals, and ceremonies of the Neteru, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


Note:If you have NOT experienced Isis Indriya's 7-module Ancient Egyptian Cosmology & Ritual Arts training, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Deepening Rituals From the Egyptian Neteru or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Isis Indriya...

“She is masterful in her communication, integrity, science, art, wisdom, and ritual. ”

Isis Indriya has been one of my teachers, mentors, and guides for 10 years. To put into words the spiritual growth and evolution I have experienced from her care would be impossible. She is masterful in her communication, integrity, science, art, wisdom, and ritual. Not only is she a master, but she finds the most powerful masters, wisdom keepers, and elders from across the world to be a part of her global community. Studying with her is not just studying with a teacher, it is choosing to study with the world. So many schools and teachers want to own their students or be worshiped. Over the last decade I have watched Isis silently transform thousands of souls never needing to be witnessed. Her work speaks for itself and her students are the people that will create massive change and have global impact. Choosing her was one of the best decisions I made for my life and is a leading force in how I treat my patients.
Dr. Sheila Marie Campbell, doctor of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, West Hollywood, California

“[Isis’] eloquence and grace is beautiful to witness...”

Isis Indriya is an incredible teacher at Imaginal Community; her eloquence and grace is beautiful to witness and her practical approach to teaching feels beneficial and relevant to the student in so many ways. The community looks up to Isis and the wisdom that she shares. She has taught the art of ritual, divination, and the ways of ceremony. Isis has also been instrumental in my own personal growth in the ritual space, which has deepened my relationship with the Divine and connection to Spirit.
Brooke Brash

“I have seen profound transformation with her teachings.”

Isis has created more beauty in my life. She walks, lives, and breathes ritual, because ritual is a way of life. She has broadened my horizons in so many ways, and expanded my consciousness in extraordinary ways. The way that she has reintroduced and reprogrammed prayer into my life has brought me into more alignment with my personal life as well as my professional life. She brings the highest potential out of people and extracts beautiful talent out of the community. I have seen profound transformation with her teachings. I am so deeply grateful and honored to have her as a guide and mentor.
Saniah Foy

“Isis Indriya has to be one of the most inspiring and foremost women and humans in our growing global conscious community.”

Isis Indriya has to be one of the most inspiring and foremost women and humans in our growing global conscious community. I’ve been blessed to sit before her in her divination workshops and some of her oracle arts courses, including ones specializing in Egyptian mysticism, and she is truly revolutionizing the world and study of ritual arts. I’ve also been honored to share sacred ceremonial and ritual space together, including within one of her educational and ritual platforms called Imaginal Community, and they have been among the most profound works I’ve ever collaborated on. Isis is an incredible teacher, truly embodying the wisdom of ritual and oracle arts, and I believe anything she creates and shares has the power to impact the world with significant positivity.
Giselle Real-d’Arbelles

“I am so grateful to have found Isis, a true oracle and inspiring educator.”

The way that Isis Indriya guides one through the studies of the sacred is truly an art form. Her ability to weave together such depth of knowledge and oracular speech provides the most beautifully cohesive and deep experiences. Through Isis’ teachings and ritual leadership, I have been able to tap into a memory palace filled with defining moments and growth in extraordinary ways. I am so grateful to have found Isis, a true oracle and inspiring educator.
Celina Barrera


About Isis Indriya

Dedicated to a life of prayer, culture, and community building, Isis Indriya is an educator of Egyptian mystery teachings and founder of Academy of Oracle Arts, where she teaches many classes alongside other luminaries. She offers classes in Ritual, Divination, Egyptian Cosmology, and Hermeticism, as well as a 9-month Apprenticeship program in Oracular Arts.

Isis also leads annual pilgrimages to Egypt, hosts community gatherings in Northern California, is co-founder of Imaginal Community (an online virtual temple), and is a lead producer of The Compass learning hub at the Lightning in a Bottle festival.

Born in Mesa, Arizona, and raised on the island of Guam, Isis’ journey into ancient mystery studies and sacred sciences began at a young age after the loss of her mother, driving her passion for cultural exchange and inner transformation. As a bridge builder, she connects generations to wisdom carriers of various traditions, fostering cultural and social evolution at both local and global levels.

If you have NOT experienced Isis Indriya's 7-module Ancient Egyptian Cosmology & Ritual Arts training, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?

A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?

A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
