Awakened Intimacy with Awakened Intimacy With Thomas Huebl 

A 12-Module On-Demand Audio Training


Discover the Essential Practices, Tools and Teachings to Transform Your Intimate Relationship & Sexuality into a Crucible that Heals and Awakens Yourself, Your Partner and Our World.

Intimate relationship is one of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of our modern life.


It can uplift us with the most incredible feelings of love and connection, or evoke the deeper, unhealed wounds of our shadow.

Whether you’re in an intimate relationship at this moment or not, you undoubtedly know how important a healthy, fulfilling relationship is, and how dramatically it impacts the quality of your life.

Beyond our basic emotional needs to have our relationship “work” and make us feel good, there is a much deeper and more sacred function that it can serve...

If you’re truly committed to living an authentically awakened life, then there is no area more important than your intimate relationship to infuse with enlightened awareness.

It is where “the rubber meets the road” in your spiritual practice.

Like it or not, how you show up day-to-day in your primary relationship is a true measure of your current level of awareness.

It is the karmic microscope, under which all of your personal and your partner’s tendencies light and dark, beautiful and ugly, sacred and profane are fully magnified and exposed.

In the light of what is revealed in this laboratory of intimacy, many people can get caught in the trap of trying to “fix” their partner or “improve” their relationship, and unintentionally transform their intimacy into an ongoing therapy session.


This inevitably drains the passion and attraction from what was once a beautiful connection, until it becomes a cordial, but mediocre, friendship. Or worse, frequently it descends into habitual conflict or even separation.

Even if we are able to avoid these common pitfalls, there are so many pressures on us in our modern world, that we all too often default back into the dysfunctional relational habits that we learned from our parents and our culture unconsciously acting them out, again and again.

And yet, in those rare and beautiful moments with our partner, we are given glimpses of what our relationship could become if we could only sustain a more heart-centered, awakened state.

What if you could discover how to break free from the unconscious patterns that sabotage your intimacy and instead, consciously co-create a deeper, more fulfilling relationship that ignites your passion and illuminates your soul?

What would your relationship be like if you could transform your intimacy into a sacred chrysalis for your mutual healing and awakening?

Illuminating a New Path into the Heart of Awakened Intimacy

There are few teachers who can answer the questions above with any certainly, let alone, show you the way.

At The Shift Network we are blessed to know one such teacher, who is illuminating a new path into the heart of awakened intimacy.

This exceptional teacher is the renowned mystic and spiritual guide, Thomas Huebl.


If you’ve had the opportunity to study with Thomas, you’ll know what we are referring to, and if you haven’t have the privilege of studying with him directly yet, then you’re in for a real treat.

Thomas is one of the most brilliant emerging stars in modern spirituality renowned among both sincere practitioners and thought-leaders alike.

His down-to-earth approach to a holistic spirituality combined with his uncompromising clarity and relentless commitment to help others fully awaken makes Thomas one of the most unique and engaging teachers of our time.

Beyond Thomas’ teachings and powerful approach to spiritual transformation in everyday life, he exudes a clarity of presence and transmission in his teachings that is a rare treasure to experience and behold.

Thomas’ intuitive style of teaching and working with others cuts like a laser to the essence of the matter.

Over this 12-module virtual intensive, Thomas will guide you through the core fundamentals and practices of how to authentically awaken THROUGH your intimacy, while engaged in the rigors of everyday life.


What You’ll Discover in These 12 Modules

In this 12-part transformational intensive, Thomas will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies that you’ll need to successfully experience intimacy and sexuality as a powerful catalyst for awakening which will, in turn, transform the quality of your relationship.

Each training session builds harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to sustain your awakened intimacy in “real life.”

Module 3: Foundations for Awakened Intimacy: Transforming Your Relationship into a Chrysalis for Mutual Awakening

  • Learn why it is essential to make “awakening” your highest priority for a true transformation of your relationship.
  • Discover how to stop trying to improve your relationship, so that you can focus your energy on authentically awakening with your partner.
  • Experience tools and practices to navigate disagreements and conflict with more presence and clarity.
  • Learn how to welcome both the easy and difficult times in your relationships as opportunities for growth and transformation.
  • Discover how to break the trance of habit and routine to cultivate wakefulness and presence in your relationship.
  • Experience how a truly conscious relationship can become a grounding force in your mutual awakening.

Module 2: The Power of Transparent Communication: Elevating Daily Conversations into a Spiritual Practice

  • Discover how to transform the daily communication with your partner or other intimate allies into a transformative spiritual practice.
  • Open to a whole new dimension of information and understanding with you and your partner.
  • Enter into a deeper kind of connection to meet intimacy fresh in each moment.
  • Learn how to stay fully present in all communications, so that you are revitalized, instead of drained.
  • Illuminate the unconscious patterns in your expression that are blocking your spiritual evolution.
  • Experience the tools and practices to stay open in the midst of conflict with your partner
  • Cultivate a more conscious relational space through presence and attunement.
  • Learn how to transform communication “breakdown” into an intimacy “breakthrough.”

Module 3: Developing Subtle-Energetic Competence: Understanding and Mastering the Secret Language of Life

  • Learn how to see and understand the deeper levels of consciousness Gross/Subtle/Causal/Non-Dual.
  • Expand your awareness beyond the surface, symptomatic level to the underlying meaning and root cause.
  • Learn how to perceive the subtle energy information that is emanating into the relational field in each moment.
  • Discover how to bring forth a deeper intelligence in you and your partner, instead of reinforcing wounds and pathologies.
  • Embrace and transcend conditioned personality patterns to support the highest potential in your partner and your relationship.

Module 4: Cleaning the Boudoir of Your Psyche: Dissolving Your Unconscious Barriers to Awakened Intimacy

  • Discover how to clear up the debris of unresolved wounding in the energetic field of your relationship.
  • Learn how to transform the unconscious patterns that have been created out of relational scarring.
  • Understand how subtle forms of dishonesty between you and your partner build up and block deeper connection and intimacy.
  • Shed the clear light of awareness on the unconscious relational habits so that you can heal and transform them.
  • Discover how to live in full honesty with your partner, so that you can co-create a deeper level of intimacy together.

Module 5: Navigating Relational Shadows: Illuminating the Unconscious with Awakened Presence & Compassion

  • Learn how the Shadow sabotages your relationships and limits your spiritual evolution.
  • Discover how to illuminate, and work with, the unconscious patterns and blind spots that create recurring conflict between you and your partner.
  • Understand how conditioning from your early life affects your current relationships.
  • Discover how your natural potentials get blocked, and how to liberate them.
  • Develop the discernment to know when you or your partner are caught in projection.
  • Cultivate the necessary awareness to avoid getting entangled in your unconscious patterns, and stay fully present.
  • Discover how integrating the shadow simultaneously increases your relational intelligence and resolves the unnecessary problems in your relationships.

Module 6: Love, Attraction and the Laws of Energy: Illuminating the Underlying Dynamics of All Relationships in the Cosmos

  • Discover the principles and laws of pure energy as it emerges from the unformed to all of manifest creation.
  • Understand the mystical dance of inner and outer polarity and the field of energy that is created in their union.
  • Learn how attraction and repulsion work in intimate relationship, and how to work with them consciously.
  • Experience the essential universal principles that will help your relationship flow with much more ease and grace.
  • Explore how to work with mystical principles to enrich and enliven your intimacy, and deepen your love.

Module 7: Masculine and Feminine from an Awakened Perspective: The Cosmic Dance of Opposites United in Love

  • Transcend the traditional role models and images of masculine and feminine to connect with the cosmic energies at the core.
  • Release cultural illusions, and drop into the authenticity of what it really means to be a man or women.
  • Get in touch with the full spectrum of you and your partner’s authentic energy
  • Learn to go beyond the stereotypes of man and woman, into the essential spiritual qualities that masculine and feminine represent.
  • Understand how the mystery of polarity, and the apparent duality, are drawn together to create physical reality.
  • Discover how to consciously work with the energy to make your relationship more exciting and satisfying.

Module 8: Awakening Your Sexuality: Tending the Sacred Fire of Eros

  • Transform your sexuality into a tantric practice for deeper healing and awakening.
  • Learn the common mistakes that lower life energy and sexual polarity in your relationship.
  • Play more fluidly with the intensity of eros within yourself and your partner.
  • Experience how resolving your sexual shadow dynamics awakens your natural liveness and attraction.
  • Learn how to support each other to grow and stretch beyond your current limits and borders.
  • Discover how to take greater care of your relational intimacy, and hold it as sacred.
  • Deepen the passion and ecstasy of your love and intimacy through awakened presence.

Module 9: Evolution through Commitment: Discovering Your Freedom Within Apparent Limitation

  • Understand the stages in your relational development that you evolve through.
  • Learn why some people flourish in committed relationships, while others only suffer.
  • Discover the pathologies that can develop in committed and uncommitted relationships.
  • Discern what relational tendencies originate in the shadow and which ones come from your authentic self.
  • Experience how a conscious mutual commitment to embody and express love transforms your intimacy into a crucible for awakening.

Module 10: Marriage as a Mystical Process: The Alchemical Unification of Polarities to Birth a Higher Consciousness

  • Discover the deeper mystical meaning and purpose of marriage as a sacred initiation.
  • Learn how mystical marriage can become a powerful catalyst for your mutual evolution and awakening.
  • Understand how mystical marriage becomes a vehicle that brings the divine light into the world though your relationship.
  • Learn how to merge your subtle energetic field with your partner in the yoga of divine love.
  • Understand the sacred science of relationship as an evolutionary process for birthing your highest potentials.

Module 11: Evolving Together as One: Cultivating Sensuality & the Spirit of Exploration

  • Discover what to do when one partner is evolving more quickly than another.
  • Discern when it is wiser to consciously end the relationship than to force it to work.
  • Learn how to open yourself beyond the ego’s preferences in service of your partner.
  • Experience the transpersonal breakthrough of co-creating in your relationship without ego.
  • Find the healthy balance in reciprocity, between giving and receiving, based on where you are in your spiritual evolution.

Module 12: Merging with the Supreme Light: Dissolving the Illusion of Separation in the Ecstatic Union of Divine Love

  • Integrate all that you have learned thus far.
  • Learn advanced practices to reach the pinnacle of divine union with your partner.
  • Discover how to further cultivate awakened intimacy in your daily life.
  • Deepen, and expand on, the tools and practices you have received.
  • Explore ways of bringing greater love into your relationship, and enlightenment into our world.
  • Discover how to live each day from your highest awareness.
  • Learn how we can transform our global culture by awakening ourselves and our intimate relationship.

The Awakened Intimacy Bonus Collection

In addition to Thomas’s transformative 12-module virtual intensive, you’ll also receive these powerful training sessions with the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Integral Awakening A Holistic Vision for Your Spiritual Awakening in the Modern World

Audio Session with Thomas and Ken Wilber


In this hour-long dialogue, Thomas is joined by world-renowned integral philosopher Ken Wilber to explore the challenges and opportunities to fully awaken in the 21st century.

These two renowned, evolutionary thought leaders and mystics will provide a unique and in-depth perspective on our spiritual evolution, drawing upon their own extensive experiences and teaching. This intimate conversation between two of the world’s great living spiritual guides is a rare opportunity and is certain to be a profound and transformative experience for all!

Ken Wilber is the most widely translated academic writer in America, with 25 books, translated into some 30 foreign languages. Ken is an internationally acknowledged leader and the preeminent scholar of the Integral stage of human development and is widely regarded as the “Einstein of consciousness.”


Adult Relationship in Creative Dialogue

Dialogue with Thomas and Diane Musho Hamilton

In this powerful exploration, Thomas and renowned teacher Diane Musho Hamilton explore how we create healthy adult relationships. To be emotionally mature means that we can encompass other perspectives without contracting, even if they contradict our own. In a healthy, adult relationship we learn to balance giving and taking and are aware of our behavioral patterns and how to support these patterns less. We have seen through the game with which we have gained energy from the outside in the form of recognition, affection, tenderness and emotional closeness. What does an adult relationship look like if I have been triggered in my pattern? When and how can I solve it together with my partner, and when do I need help from outside? Enjoy the discussion and find out!

Diane Musho Hamilton Sensei is a gifted professional mediator, facilitator, and teacher of Zen and Integral Spirituality. She has been a practitioner of meditation for more than 25 years. Diane facilitates Big Mind Big Heart, a process developed by Genpo Merzel Roshi to help elicit the insights of Zen in Western audiences. She has worked with Ken Wilber and the Integral Institute in Denver, Colorado, since 2004. She is also the co-founder of Two Arrows Zen, a center for Integral and Zen practice in Salt Lake City, Utah with her husband Michael Mugaku Zimmerman.


What People Are Saying About Thomas Huebl...

“Thomas Huebl is a true blessing and valuable mentor whose presence illustrates a deep essence of meaning and purpose. I have studied with many teachers and found his authentic and humble message of wisdom, love, and compassion brought deeper clarity and incentive. I learned how Life and our Creative Source is living within and through us when we are present and wake up. I hold deep gratitude for what I have learned from him. It is now easier to lift the veils of distortion and go within and experience from soul’s source. May we all evolve our experience in these times and serve the greater good using his insights and practices.”
Jude Steele Santiago, Chile

“Presently, Thomas is ringing all bells and whistles w/ clarity and this blessing need be taken advantage of, at this time in our history. I believe that he and what he allows to flow from his Being to hold problem/solution resolution. This is important for us to tap and grow.”
Ken Ksiazkiewicz, Jackson, MI

“The higher level of consciousness reached through the course made me stronger for a difficult life situation I had to face recently. The perception of me related to a higher purpose serving the whole, gives me the possibility to let go and to accept what comes in my way. The consciousness allows me to identify with calm and strength and to trust my inner self. This makes me stronger for choices, especially for those which are far from my usual comfort zone or usual patterns.”
Katrin, Paris, France

“Literally there are no words to express the gratitude and love I have for Thomas’ personal example of living life as One. His entire Authentic Awakening program promotes Oneness without an "other" and now I get it... I mean, I really get it. I feel I made an excellent investment in myself and next week i intend to continue the 7 week program starting with session 1. This information is way too good to let sit in a computer file folder. This is my first experience with Thomas Huebl, it is not my last. Oh, so grateful I am.”
Kate Guendling, Fayetteville, AR, USA

“Simply being in Thomas’ presence for 7 weeks and applying many of his principles to have an Awakened Life, I have become inspired to make permanent shifts in my level of commitment to access a deeper "home" in my Self and to bring myself forward into life rather than experience the "friction" of resistance. His work is simply awesome...his compassion is palpable! I will continue with my connection with my local contacts from the course & am engaging with the Inner Science group when I visit Berlin next month. Thomas brings us great and necessary work/play skills, involving amazing tools of communication that are practical ways to build relationship on a spiritually focused basis!”
Lianne, Nanaimo, BC (Canada)

“Taking this course really strengthened my commitment to creating spaces for the Higher WE to incubate, which translated into a lot of movement in that direction. I received a powerful energetic transmission, unequivocal evidence that I am not alone, and a clear articulation of the terrain. I would highly recommend anything that Thomas Huebl offers and I felt the Shift Network did a wonderful job with the course.”
Cynthia Gramer, Boston Massachusetts USA

“This course provided a great overview of seven core principle of authentic awakening. Thomas is an amazing teacher, a true embodiment of integral spiritual practice who transmits both his knowledge and the energetic essence of what he is teaching. While the teachings were meaningful in and of themselves, it was Thomas’ clear presence, deep listening skills and energetic presence that I most benefitted from. Hard to explain in words but quite powerful and meaningful to me.”
David Ketter, Port Townsend, WA

“I have been doing deep spiritual work for thirty years. This program has invited my soul to awaken. I can truly express that I see the world and myself in a renewed light. Thomas very gently invites your soul to understand and listen as he shares, "between the thoughts." Questions I have carried for many years were brought to enlightenment through Thomas. I am deeply grateful to have been a student with Thomas.”
Diane DuPre, Bethlehem, PA USA

“Thomas is a profound Spiritual teacher and delivers his course content with clarity and easily understood dialogue. I felt the course covered what I wanted to learn and flowed nicely from one week to the next. When asked questions, Thomas listened to and answered until each person was completely satisfied before going onto the next question. This course has had a positive impact on my life in that I am learning to listen to others and communicate on a much deeper level. I am also more aware of certain patterns and shadow selves that have been restricting my life and I now have more "tools" to help me transcend them. I recommend this course to anyone who truly wants to expand and grow more spiritually.”
Anneliese, Lacourse, Ontario, Canada

“I believe the principles of the authentic awakening course are vital to our evolution. I have seen the effects of poor interpersonal communication and subconscious shadows in large government organisations set up to help the public. If we individually wake up and take responsibility to become full we can then truly give and our helping organisations can be transformed.”
Jill Boucher, Dalat, Vietnam

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Twelve 90-Minute Audio-Only Class Sessions with Thomas Huebl and Guests

Experience a rare opportunity to learn with pioneering contemporary spiritual teacher Thomas Huebl from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes renowned guest faculty, and helps you create the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.


Twelve PDF Transcripts of Each Class Session

In addition to the high quality audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.


The Awakened Intimacy Bonus Collection

  • Integral Awakening A Holistic Vision for Your Spiritual Awakening in the Modern World
    Audio Session with Thomas and Ken Wilber
  • Adult Relationship in Creative Dialogue
    Dialogue with Thomas and Diane Musho Hamilton

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join in The Awakened Intimacy Virtual Intensive

We, at The Shift Network, feel deeply honored that Thomas Huebl has chosen to partner with us on this exclusive online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn from a contemporary spiritual teacher and internationally-renowned mystic whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves, our partners and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars). But you’ll be able to benefit from Thomas’ and his guest’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you are serious about transforming your intimate relationship and sexuality into a crucible that heals and awakens, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.


More Praise for Thomas Huebl...

“What a relief to come across a teacher who is fully holding the transcended space known as enlightenment and also working with people on the personal and interpersonal levels. He has an incredible gift for reading people’s energetic fields and an ability to communicate effectively where the energy is blocked. The whole approach is that the energy field of the gathering is the “higher intelligence,” so the focus of the meetings is not so much on his individual state. This is quite different from a lot of teachers I have met who like to present themselves as the main event rather than a facilitator in co-created field.

“Thomas’s approach opened the door for me to go back and start looking and dealing with areas of the personal development that were stuck, areas that I was not particularly conscious of. Since meeting him I have let go of my fixation with holding onto non-dual states and have become willing to go back and work on personal issues, as a result of this process deeper spaces seem to be continually opening. I am very grateful to have come across this work.”

“I felt deeply seen by Thomas: my structure, my shadows and my potential. Under his guidance, I saw that all of it was OK, all of it acceptable, all of it a step towards more development, more integration, more contribution. His approach is direct, intense, yet he knows when to be gentle, patient, where there is a wound or when to respect that the best thing to do now is to stop. He speaks from what is present now. In the sangha he creates around him he teaches and makes us realize that we all have these abilities to deeply see others and open up to be seen. It takes commitment and practice, but that’s why we’re here. Tasting this deep level of connection with myself and with others was a revelation to me. That’s the new humanity I want to be part of and co-create.”

“Thomas Huebl opens the gates of an amazing and powerful WE that is alive and that organically moves where it needs to move tapping with intensity in the Unknown. I feel at home. I deeply resonate with what Thomas is helping us to trust. I profoundly trust in the space he creates to make Creativity, God to express itself through me; with a knowing that I am in the right field where I merge with more of us in a shared commitment to keep evolving, expanding and to keep designing a more evolved, All New Universe. Thomas Huebl is Spirituality in High Definition.”
Yolanda Valencia

“Thomas shows us what is possible in becoming more authentic, transparent, and how to relate with each other in ways that allow the shadows to be revealed and released. He is an true embodiment of our potential capacities and masterfully guides the group towards greater freedom and human potential. His ability to transmit deep wisdom and facilitate the group field with precision and clarity is truly remarkable. In 5 days many participants gained awareness of shadow material and began to transform in significant ways. The group field was open, playful, and supportive. I have been on the spiritual journey for many years and am a teacher and psychotherapist. I was inspired by Thomas and am grateful to have experienced his teaching.”

About Thomas Huebl...


Thomas Huebl is an internationally recognized contemporary spiritual teacher of uncompromising clarity, compassion and illumination. His work integrates the essence of the great wisdom traditions, modern scientific understanding, and his own personal path. Through immediate transmission and ongoing training, he guides people to a deeper level of self-awareness and personal responsibility. His methods offer a radical transcendence of the egoic worldview, opening the doorway to a profound life of authentic expression, service and alignment with the Absolute.

Thomas founded the Academy of Inner Science in 2008 to create a space for the exploration of contemporary mysticism, and contribute to a culture of awakening. The Academy’s programs focus on both personal transcendence and an active engagement with the global challenges facing humanity in today’s postmodern world.

Thomas also holds an annual summer Celebrate Life Festival in northern Germany, as well as other large events dedicated to healing collective shadows particularly the continuing cultural trauma from from the Nazi era.

Thomas has dedicated his life to exploring consciousness and supporting people worldwide in their own journeys. His associates and students value his special gift for seeing deeply into others, along with his capacity for supporting others in revealing, applying, and practically expressing timeless wisdom.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your refund policy?

Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!


How can I reach Customer Support?

Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
